Entries by Glenn Hyman

Neck Pain & Headaches & The “Power of Placebo”

We have all heard about the “placebo effect” and the “power of positive thinking.” A placebo, according to Wikipedia, is “…a simulated or otherwise medically ineffectual treatment for a disease or other medical condition intended to deceive the recipient.” When a placebo is used, it will sometimes have a perceived beneficial effect. When this occurs, […]

Weekly 1-Page Newsletter for the week of 1/30/2012

Mental Attitude: Do Video Games Enhance Cognitive Abilities? In a recent study, it was demonstrated that there is little solid evidence that games enhance cognition at all. On the other hand, it may be the people who have these enhanced abilities are more likely to play video games. Frontiers in Psychology, Dec 2011 Health Alert: […]

Real Paleo diet / Primal Blueprint living –

As many of you know, I’m a fan of the primal/paleo style of eating. While I’m not rigorous or rigid about it, I do a pretty good job of being about 90% compliant. The theory is simple- try to eat like our caveman ancestors. This means avoiding grains and processed foods. Doing this brings the […]

Here are some facts about back pain that you’ll find interesting…

An estimated 80% of the US population will experience back pain at one time in their lives. Most back pain is mechanical in nature – related to the muscles and ligaments – as opposed to a bulging disc. Some researchers state that up to 30% of Americans have bulging discs in their low backs –with […]

The Neck & Shoulder Pain Relationship

In our hectic lifestyles of driving, hunching over computers, talking on the phone, not to mention stress arising from multiple sources, the muscles in the neck, upper back and shoulders seem to tighten up and hurt at the same time. The question is, between the neck and the shoulder, which one is the “chicken” and […]

Low Back Pain & Spinal Manipulation: How Does It Work?

For many years, Chiropractic has been at the forefront of treating low back pain (LBP) with both greater patient satisfaction and less lost time at work when compared to other non-surgical treatment approaches. There have been many explanations as to why chiropractic manipulation therapy (CMT) works but many of these studies include other treatment modalities […]