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Prevent sports injuries: Improve Your Biomechanics for Better Athletic Performance

As an athlete, you understand that injuries can be a frustrating and even devastating part of the game. That’s why taking proactive steps to prevent injuries in the first place is key. Improving your biomechanics is critical to reducing your risk of injury and improving your athletic performance. This is where a biomechanics assessment in Denver comes in.

Biomechanics is the science of how your muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments work together to produce movement. Ensuring optimal biomechanics is particularly critical for meaningfully reducing your risk of injury. Changes to the biomechanics in one of your body’s joints can lead to compensations in others, causing pain, putting you at an increased risk for injury, and even speeding up the aging process in the affected joints.

Improving your biomechanics starts with developing a fitness plan that includes dynamic stretching, strength training, and cardiovascular exercise. However, it’s important to know if your biomechanics are optimal, and that’s where a biomechanics assessment in Denver comes in.

Chiropractors are trained to carefully examine your biomechanics and movement patterns and to provide passive and active ways to improve them. No two people move the same, so having a functional movement assessment is critical if you’re looking for ways to improve your own unique movement patterns. Biomechanics assessments can help identify altered biomechanics before you have pain and discomfort. By proactively addressing these issues, you may not only be able to reduce your risk of injury but also improve your athletic performance.

Improving biomechanics is especially important for athletes who rely on specific movement patterns, such as runners or tennis players. Biomechanics assessments can also benefit athletes recovering from injuries. Research has shown that correcting biomechanical issues can improve rehabilitation outcomes and reduce the likelihood of reinjury.

If you’re a local athlete looking to optimize your movement patterns and reduce your risk of injury, consider a biomechanics assessment in Denver. Our team can help you identify any issues and create a personalized plan designed to quickly and easily improve your specific biomechanics. Contact us today to schedule your assessment and take the first step towards moving better and playing better! Call 303.300.0424 or use our Contact Page to request an appointment.

Denver Athletes- Unlock Your Athletic Potential: The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Denver Athletes- Unlock Your Athletic Potential: The Benefits of Chiropractic Care with a top rated chiropractor for sports injuries in Denver

The benefits of chiropractic care for athletes are becoming more widely recognized, with many professional sports teams now including chiropractors on staff. From injury prevention to performance enhancement, chiropractic care offers numerous benefits to athletes of all levels.

Recent research has shown that spinal adjustments can positively influence the brain, spinal cord, and muscle strength, resulting in improved motor control and movement patterns. Chiropractic care can also help reduce pain perception, making it an effective treatment for athletes dealing with pain. Athletes who receive chiropractic care have been found to have significant increases in functional muscle strength compared to those who do not receive care.

Chiropractors themselves are a bridge between the player, coach, and medical team, offering a holistic approach to sports care that emphasizes injury prevention and performance improvement. This unique focus on preventing injury and improving mobility and performance means that chiropractors can bring an athlete’s care full-circle.

If you’re an athlete, whether you’re a weekend warrior, local minor league celebrity, or you play at a professional level, taking care of your body is key to unlocking your full potential in any sport. Chiropractic care is an all-natural and “hands-on” approach to sports care that can help ensure your body is feeling and functioning at its best.


As a top rated chiropractor in Denver for sports injuries, we understand the unique needs of athletes. We have experience working with athletes of all levels and can help you achieve your fitness goals by addressing your specific needs. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain or simply looking to improve your athletic performance, chiropractic care can help unlock your full potential. We use a powerful combination of chiropractic adjustments, Active Release Techniques, and targeted rehab exercises.Our Denver Chiropractor has over 25 years of experience.

So if you’re looking for a way to improve your athletic performance or prevent injuries, don’t write off chiropractic care. It is an essential component of athlete care, and finding the best chiropractor for sports injuries in your area is essential to achieving your fitness goals and staying injury-free. Take care of your body and give us a call today to schedule. 303.300.0424, or use the contact page above to schedule.

Denver Chiropractor says: “Good posture is dynamic.”

Perfect Posture is Dynamic.

Good posture is not just about looking confident and presenting yourself well; it plays a significant role in maintaining your overall health and well-being. Maintaining the correct body posture can prevent pain, injuries, and other health problems. This article will discuss the importance of good posture, its benefits, ways to improve and maintain it, and how chiropractors can help correct posture.

What is Good Posture?

Good posture involves maintaining the spine’s natural curves and aligning the body’s segments in a way that distributes body weight evenly across all joints. There are two types of posture: static and dynamic.

The Benefits of Good Posture

Maintaining good posture can have several benefits for your health and well-being, such as reduced risk of pain and injuries, improved muscle strength and flexibility, better balance and coordination, enhanced breathing and digestion, and boosted self-confidence.

Assessing Your Posture

A proper posture assessment can help you identify any areas of imbalance or misalignment in your body. When assessing your posture, pay attention to head alignment, curvature of the spine, shoulder and pelvic symmetry, and joint alignment.

Posture and Health

Poor posture can negatively impact your health in several ways, causing neck, shoulder, and back pain, decreasing flexibility, affecting joint mobility, and impairing balance. Over time, poor posture can lead to digestive issues, breathing disorders, and even incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse in women.

Tips for Improving Posture

There are several steps you can take to improve your posture and maintain it, such as being mindful of your posture, staying active, maintaining a healthy weight, wearing comfortable shoes, adjusting your workspace, and taking breaks. Incorporating specific exercises into your routine can also help strengthen the muscles that support good posture.

Chiropractors for Posture Corrections

Consulting a chiropractor can be an effective solution for correcting posture. Chiropractors are experts in musculoskeletal health and can assess your posture, identify any imbalances or misalignments. They can provide personalized advice and guidance to correct your posture.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining good posture is essential for your long-term health and well-being. By being mindful of your body positions, staying active, and incorporating targeted exercises into your routine, you can improve your posture and enjoy the many benefits it offers. If you’re struggling with poor posture or experiencing pain, consult a chiropractor for personalized advice and guidance.

Delayed Pain After a Car Accident


Bottom Line:

If you can walk away after a car accident without any catastrophic injuries, you should certainly consider yourself lucky.

But there is something important we want you to commit to your memory right now.

Even if you feel ok after exchanging information and speaking with the police, it is always a good idea to see a chiropractor after an accident.

With your adrenaline pumping directly after an accident, your brain may not truly register the pain signals coming from your body.

It’s only after you have some time to calm down that you find yourself suddenly living with previously unnoticed injuries and manifestations of delayed pain after a car accident.

The good news?

Non-drug care options, such as chiropractic, are very effective at helping people both reduce the sensations of delayed pain after a car accident and restore their functional health.

If you’re looking for a car accident chiropractor in Denver, know our expert team is here to help.

Even people with severe and chronic pain have been shown to benefit from the care that chiropractors provide.

And with a proper evaluation and early treatment, you have a high likelihood of putting that delayed pain after a car accident in the rear view mirror and getting well within a matter of weeks.

Why it Matters:

While medications can provide temporary pain relief, they don’t do a very good job of helping your body heal.

One of the problems with pain medications is that they only treat the symptoms.

They aren’t doing a thing to resolve the injuries that are the real source of your pain.

That’s just one reason why Ignoring a new ache or manifestation of delayed pain after a car accident and hoping it will go away is definitely not a smart strategy.

Even minor symptoms can be an indication of a more significant problem.

That’s perhaps one of the most important reasons you need to see a car accident chiropractor in Denver

And there’s something else to consider.

The longer you wait to get evaluated and receive care, the higher your likelihood becomes of needing more aggressive medical care.

In fact, without a proper diagnosis and swift treatment, your body may begin to “heal” with more scar tissue than necessary.

The same principle applies if you ignore what that delayed pain after a car accident is trying to tell you and simply decide to try to live “around” your injuries.

Doing so can lead to even more physical stress and compensation from other parts of your body and, ultimately, additional injuries.

3 Common Manifestations of Delayed Pain After a Car Accident

Let’s take a look at some common manifestations of delayed pain after a car accident that may not appear for hours or days.

● Headaches: A concussion, neck injury, mild traumatic brain injury, or whiplash can create headaches after a car accident, so don’t dismiss a headache or dizziness until you’ve been adequately evaluated by a doctor.

● Back Pain: Pain in your back after a car accident can take hours or days to begin, and it could be a sign of a spinal disc injury, soft tissue injury, or whiplash.

● Neck / Shoulder Pain: If you notice pain in your neck, shoulders, or arms, it may be a sign of whiplash or a spinal injury.

Next Steps:

Delayed onset of symptoms after a car accident is quite common.

It doesn’t mean that you’re “making it up.”

The stress of a car accident can make it difficult to truly assess how you feel in the minutes after impact.

It takes time for swelling and inflammation to begin, and you may not notice these common manifestations of delayed pain after a car accident for hours or even days.

Don’t dismiss your symptoms or concerns.

With the right healthcare team, most people can get back to their full life and activities without the need for drugs or surgery.

Chiropractors are often the first healthcare professional a majority of people see after getting into an accident.

So, if you’ve been searching for the best car accident chiropractor in Denver, give our office a call right now.

Receiving a complete and thorough evaluation is critical to discovering injuries early on so that you can receive the best care and treatment to put your injuries in the rearview mirror as quickly as possible

Research has shown that active care involving range of motion, mobilizing exercises, and strengthening can effectively reduce pain.

So, call us to schedule a proper evaluation as soon as you can.

It has the potential to make a massive difference in both your quality of life and long-term well-being!

Science Source:

Whiplash. WebMD. 2021.

Denver Chiropractor shares 3 Best Tips For Tension Headaches and Neck Pain

In this video we show you 3 quick tips for tension headaches and neck pain. Since so many of us spend so much time on phones, tablets and computers these day, we are seeing a sharp increase in how many people are reporting problems with tension headaches and neck pain. While headaches should always be evaluated by a professional, there are some simple things you can try at home. As always, check with a doctor and make sure this is right for you.

The “Why?” Stretch & The “Touchdown” : improve your posture anywhere.

As you know, the postural problems from spending time at computers and on phones is becoming an epidemic. No one wants that “hunched over” look, or the neck and mid back pain that come with it. These two simple exercises can help. As always, use common sense and make sure they are right for you by checking with a doctor first.

Our Chiropractor in Denver shows you how to bullet proof yourself against back pain with this powerful combo exercise.

We’re always looking to combine exercises in a way that improves muscular endurance, core strength and general coordination. And of course, the less equipment the better. Here we review the dumbbell clean & press. As always make sure this is right for you (use common sense) and check with a doctor first.

Back to work after the snow day- Our Denver Chiropractors are ready to help you.

Feb 10- We are back in the office after the snow day on Friday. We are ready to help you if you need to come see us. Just call 303.300.0424 or us the contact form on our website.

Here is today’s 1-Page Health News:

Diet: Foods That Raise/Lower Diabetes Risk. The current research notes that a diet rich in whole grains, lean dairy, fish, nuts, and fresh vegetables and fruit is associated with a reduced risk for type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, a diet featuring high amounts of red and processed meat, refined grains, and sugar-sweetened beverages is linked to an elevated diabetes risk. National Institute of Public Health (Pakistan), December 2019

Exercise: Exercising in Very Cold Weather May Harm Lungs. Researchers from the University of Alberta warn that lung function can worsen over time when they are exposed to cold weather, especially during exercise. Experts advise that if you work out in the cold, it’s a good idea to do the following: perform an indoor warm-up to help dilate the lungs, reduce your exercise intensity to allow the lungs more time to warm and humidify the air, and shield your mouth from the cold air during exercise. University of Alberta, January 2020

Chiropractic: Spinal Pain and TMD. Using data from the Korean National Health Insurance Review and Assessment database, researchers report that nearly half (48%) of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) patients also have spinal pain. Additionally, the more severe a patient’s TMD symptoms, the more likely they were to also have neck pain or back pain. Past research has demonstrated that dysfunction in the cervical spine can cause or contribute to TMD, and treatment to improve function in the upper spine, such as chiropractic care, can reduce jaw pain and associated disability. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, December 2019

Mental Attitude: Peppermint and Dementia Risk. Among a group of 948 seniors, researchers observed that those unable to smell peppermint and other strong odors were more likely to develop dementia in the following five years. Neuroepidemiology, January 2020

Wellness/Prevention: Losing Tongue Fat May Ease Sleep Apnea. In a study involving 67 obese patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) who participated in a weight loss program, researchers found that a reduction of weight in the tongue contributed to about 30% of the benefit in OSA improvement associated with weight loss. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, January 2020

Denver chiropractor shows you a simple exercise to prevent foot and ankle injuries

Here’s another of our most popular Facebook videos from the last couple of years. This simple little exercise can help protect your ankles and feet. When I broke my ankle in 2017 I learned it is incredibly inconvenient to go clomping around in an orthopedic boot for weeks and weeks. This video may help you avoid that 😉

As always make sure these videos are appropriate for you. If you need help, call us 303.300.0424 or click here to request an appointment https://www.denverback.com/contact.

Here is today’s 1-Page Health News:

Mental Attitude: Marriage Reduces Dementia Risk. According to a study that monitored 15,000 older adults for fourteen years, married seniors have a significantly lower risk for dementia than their unmarried peers. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, September 2019

Health Alert: Obese Teen Boys Prone to Heart Attacks Later in Life. Using long-term health data concerning 1.7 Swedish men, researchers observed that severe obesity at age 18 is associated with a 300% increased risk for heart attack later in life. Study author Dr. Maria Aberg writes, “We show that [body mass index or BMI] in the young is a remarkably strong risk marker that persists during life. Our study supports close monitoring of BMI during puberty and preventing obesity with healthy eating and physical activity.” European Society of Cardiology, September 2019

Exercise: Exercise May Benefit Those with Heart Disease More Than Healthy People.Researchers monitored nearly 442,000 South Koreans for six years and found that meeting physical activity guidelines (150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week) can reduce the risk for early death by 14% in adults with heart disease and 7% in those without a history of heart disease. Study leader Dr. Sang-Woo Jeong adds, “The main new finding of this study is that people with cardiovascular disease benefit from a physically active lifestyle to a greater extent than healthy people without cardiovascular disease.” European Heart Journal, September 2019

Chiropractic: The Risk for Rotator Cuff Problems… A review of findings from sixteen published studies concluded that the risk for rotator cuff tendinopathy is greatest among those over 50 years of age, diabetics, and individuals whose work activities often require the arms to be above the shoulders. Doctors of chiropractic are trained to diagnose and manage many musculoskeletal conditions associated with the shoulder, including rotator cuff problems. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, September 2019

One of the best hikes our Denver Chiropractor has done

A few weekends ago my family and I did a great hike in Beaver Creek (a couple of exits past Vail if you’re not familiar) that we’d never done before. It’s a moderately tough 3 mile hike up to Beaver Lake on the mountain at Beaver Creek. It’s a little rocky and fairly steep, but it’s worth the effort.

You simply start in the Beaver Creek Village, find the 5 Senses Trail, which I’d call a short tourist trail, and take that for half a mile until you see the Beaver Lake Trail (you can’t miss it, it’s next to the fire station).

It took us about 90 minutes to get to the lake, which is just beautiful. On the way down you can hang a right on to the Royal Elk Trail and take that for about 3 miles (it’s a little bit technical but not too bad). That will bring you to the top of the Centennial Lift where you can grab lunch and then take the lift down.

Anyway, give it a try some time and let us know what you think.  The video is our dog fetching in the Lake. She loved it. Enjoy!