Low Back Pain and Balance

Statistically, most people (estimated to be about 90%) will seek care for Low Back Pain (LBP) at some point in their lifetime. Last month, we discussed the role foot orthotics play in the management of LBP by improving balance, and it seems appropriate to discuss other ways we can improve our balance, hence the topic this month!

Balance is a skill that is learned as we develop. Initially, as infants, we have not developed the “neuromotor pathways” or, sequence of signals between the brain and our toes, feet, ankles, knees, hips, and so on. The constant flow of sensory information received and processed by the brain prompts motor messages to be sent back to our limbs and allows us to move in a progressively more coordinated manner as we develop.

This natural progression of developing motor control starts with crude, rather uncontrolled movement of the fingers, hands, arms, legs, and feet, and soon, we learn to hold up our head, scoot, roll over, crawl, stand, and eventually walk (usually during the first 12 months of life). The learning process of recognizing sounds, voice quality and inflections, and words occurs simultaneously.

This bombardment of sensory information to the brain leads to the ability to gradually perform highly integrated functions including walking, running, jumping, and dancing. As part of that learning process, falling frequently occurs. We all recall the challenges of learning how to ride a bike, swim, do a somersault, climb a tree, swing, dance, do gymnastics, ski, and on and on. As time passes and we enter middle age, we become more sedentary.

As a result, we start losing our “proprioceptive edge” and become less steady, leading to more frequent balance loss and falls. Eventually, we have to hold on to hand railings or the wall in order to keep our balance and falling occurs more frequently. Couple this gradual loss of balance with bone demineralization (osteoporosis) and the risk of a fracture, such as a hip or vertebra, increases as well.

So the question arises, what can we do to slow down this process and maybe even reverse it? The answer is, A LOT!!! Just like muscles shrink and atrophy if they are not used, so does our ability to maintain our balance. We have to keep challenging our balance in order to keep those neuromotor pathways open. That need doesn’t stop after childhood, and in fact, becomes more important as we age. Last month, we talked about the “normal” length of time people can stand on one foot with the eyes open verses closed.

If you tried the test, do you remember the steadiness difference? This “test” can be used at various time intervals, such as once a month, as you add balance challenging exercises to your daily routine. Frequently, people will find that within the first 2-4 weeks, they will feel more “sure” or secure on their feet, and even may not feel the need for a cane, or they’ll reach out less often for a hand rail. Start with simple exercises like standing with your feet together and hold that position for progressively longer times (eyes open and closed). We will continue this discussion next month with more balance stimulating exercises.

This week’s 1-page health news…

Dr. Stripling is back this week showing you how to stretch those hamstrings out. Video link is at the bottom of this page.

Mental Attitude: Multiple Media Use. Media use among United States youth has increased 20% in the past decade, and the amount of time spent multitasking with media has spiked 120%. Using multiple forms of media at the same time (ie. playing a computer game while watching TV) has been linked to symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, December 2012

Diet: Rice Bran. The bioactive components in rice bran show anti-cancer activity, including the ability to inhibit cell proliferation, alter cell cycle progression, and initiate the programmed cell death (known as apoptosis) in malignant cells. Bioactive components of rice bran act not only within cancer cells but around the cells to create conditions in the surrounding tissues that promote the function of healthy cells while inhibiting the function of cancer cells. This tissue microenvironment activity includes controlling chronic inflammation, often a precursor for cancer. Rice bran may also promote an anti-cancer immune response and protect against cancer. Advances in Nutrition, December 2012

Exercise: Want A Healthy Brain? Physical exercise is important when it comes to maintaining a healthy brain. Scientists found that Growth Hormone (stimulated by exercise) increases the amount of stem cells that actively generate new nerve cells in the brain. Growth Hormone also slows and can even reverse the decline in new nerve cell formation normally seen as our bodies age. University of Queensland, November 2012

Chiropractic: Bone Spurs? Bone spurs (osteophytes) are bony projections that form off of bones in and along joints, and are often seen with arthritis. Bone spurs can limit joint motion and can cause joint pain. Bone spurs form when the body tries to increase the surface area of the joint to better distribute weight across a joint surface that has been damaged by arthritis. To slow formation and alleviate symptoms, it has been shown that joint motion improves nutrition to the tissue and maintains the health of the joint. Spine, 1977 In our opinion, Active Release Techniques soft tissue work combined with spinal adjusting is the best way to restore or maintain joint mobility.

Wellness/Prevention: Sleep and Insulin Resistance. High levels of insulin resistance can lead to the development of diabetes. Teenagers who normally sleep six hours a night can improve insulin resistance by 9% by simply sleeping one additional hour. This probably extrapolates to adults as well Sleep, October 2012

Quote: “He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.” ~ Thomas Carlyle

Dr. Glenn Hyman’s Crossfit Gym & this week’s 1-Page Health News

People are always asking me (Glenn) where I workout. Meredith and I train using a blend of Crossfit and Crossfit Endurance in exactly 91 sq ft of our basement (plus the outside stuff of course). You’d be surprised how much you can do in 91 sq ft with kettlebells, a barbell bumper set, a pull up bar and some imagination. (Secret hint for our loyal blog readers- Stay tuned for an upcoming announcement regarding Crossfit, Dr. Stripling & myself – it’s gonna be a biggie!) Anyway, here’s my present Cossfit Gym:

Speaking of Dr. Stripling, his popular video series is back this week. This time around, Dr. Stripling shows you some quick and easy self-help strategies for the low back.The  link is at the bottom of this email.

Health Alert: Childhood Obesity Rates Falling! During the first decade of the 21st century, childhood obesity rates among children in lower income families in the United States have decreased (14.94% in 2010 vs. 15.21% in 2003). The Journal of the American Medical Association, December 2012

Diet: Red Wine and Cancer. Resveratrol, a chemical found in red wine, is thought to help prevent cancer. Lab models designed to identify any benefits from consuming the amount of resveratrol in 2 daily glasses of wine found a reduction in the rate of bowel tumors by around 50%.(Note-Yay!) University of Leicester, December 2012

Exercise: Good Vibrations. Within 7 months of starting a poor diet, normal mice became obese, with significant damage to their immune and skeletal systems. Daily 15-minute treatments of low-intensity vibration, barely perceptible to human touch, helped restore the immune and skeletal systems of the mice towards those of mice fed a regular diet. If this effect translates to humans, it could have benefits for obese people suffering from immune problems related to their obesity. The FASEB Journal, December 2012

Chiropractic: Quit Smoking! Smokers suffering from spinal disorders and related back pain reported greater discomfort than those who stopped smoking during an 8 month treatment period. Patients who had never smoked and prior smokers reported significantly less back pain than current smokers and those who had quit smoking during their care. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, December 2012

Wellness/Prevention: Sleep and Pain? In a recent study, participants who slept 1.8 hours more per night had increased daytime alertness and less pain sensitivity than those who slept their normal amount. Sleep, December 2012

Quote: “What is called genius is the abundance of life and health.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

Dr. Stripling’s weekly video, Skiing / Snowboard / Snowshoe injuries & the 1-page health news from Denver Chiropractic Center

After spending time with our families this (past) holiday season, those of us who make up the staff of Denver Chiropractic Center (Dr. Hyman, Dr. Stripling, Miss Keri, and Awesome Massage Therapist Erin are back in the office on January 2 at 10AM and ready to help you. It’s going to be a great 2013!

We (Glenn & my wife Meredith) took the kids skiing / snowboarding / snowshoeing, and this season’s snow is looking great. That probably means that some of you are feeling the inevitable aches and pains that come with winter sports. Don’t let pain slow you down, give us a call.

Dr. Stripling and Miss Keri returned from Iowa (gee, I’ve never had employees spend so much time together) to post Dr. Stripling’s latest video for those of you who work at a desk- how to open those shoulders and improve your posture. See previous post for the video.

Here’s this week’s 1-page health news.

Mental Attitude: Anxious Parents? Parents diagnosed with social anxiety disorder are more likely to exhibit less warmth and affection towards their children, criticize them more, and express doubts about their child’s ability to complete a task. This can heighten anxiety in their child, and over time, can increase the chance their child will develop an advanced anxiety disorder of their own. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, November 2012

Health Alert: Parental Math Skills and Medication Errors. Parents with poor math skills (3rd grade level or below) are 5 times more likely to measure the wrong dose of medication for their child than parents with math skills at the 6th grade level or greater. In a study of 289 parents, 27% had math skills at 3rd grade level or below. American Academy of Pediatrics, April 2012

Diet: Processed Meat. Processed meat consumption increases the risk of prostate cancer. Processed red meat was associated with a 10% increased risk of prostate cancer with every 10 grams (about one-third of an ounce) of increased intake. This means stay away from the cheap stuff and spring for grass fed beef, available at Vitamin Cottage and Whole Foods. American Journal of Epidemiology, October 2009

Exercise: 5 Major Reasons. Exercise helps control your weight preventing excess weight gain or maintaining weight loss, combats health conditions and diseases, improves mood, boosts energy, and promotes better sleep. Mayo Clinic

Chiropractic: Spinal Degenerative Joint Disease and Pain. There are several reasons spinal degeneration causes pain: 1. Mechanical compression of nerve by bone, ligament, or the disk. 2. Biochemical mediators of inflammation.
3. Mechanical nerve compression results in decreased blood flow and swelling, which causes lack of proper motion leading to fibrotic tissue formation. Spine, 1989 In our opinion, nothing staves off spinal degeneration better than a healthy diet and regular treatment with Active Release and adjustments.

Wellness/Prevention: Get Your Sleep! Sleep disorders lead to 253 million days of sick leave a year in the United States. 63.2 billion dollars are lost a year due to insomnia. A third of this is due to absence from work, while the other two thirds is due to a loss in productivity at work. 10% of the population suffers from insomnia. Sleep apnea affects 4-5% of the population. University of Bergen, November 2012. Shoot for 7 hours a night, minimum.

Quote: “Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”
~ Edward Stanley

My weekend at the Olympics, Dr. Stripling’s self-help video and this week’s 1-page health news!

Dr. Hyman spent this weekend learning all about Olympic Lifting at the Crossfit Olympic Lifting Coaches’ certification. Two full days of barbell snatches, cleans, and jerks. These lifts have a powerful application to most sports, even triathlon. Stay tuned for more info as we’re working on creating a relationship with a crossfit gym that’s close to the office. Dr. Hyman will be in the office Monday through Wednesday this week, and then he’ll be out of the office teaching for Active Release Techniques this coming weekend.

Dr. Stripling has started his weekly Denver Chiropractic Center TV segment on You Tube. In this week’s installment, Dr. S shows you how to help yourself when you feel that nagging pain between the shoulder blades. You can find these videos on our blog. The link is at the bottom of this email.

Health Alert: Children, Cars and Second-Hand Smoke. Just ten minutes in the back seat of a car with a smoker in the front seat increased a child’s exposure to harmful pollutants by 30%, even with the front windows completely rolled down. British Medical Journal, November 2012

Diet: Cholesterol and Probiotics. Two daily doses (200mg) of a probiotics lowered “bad” (LDL) and total cholesterol in study participants. Probiotics are live microorganisms (naturally occurring bacteria in the gut) thought to have beneficial effects. Common sources are yogurt or dietary supplements. Those taking the probiotics had LDL levels 11.6% lower than those on placebo after nine weeks. American Heart Association, November 2012

Exercise: Belly Fat and Sleep Quality? Losing weight can directly aid in improving sleep quality among obese or overweight people. Sleep quality was meaningfully associated with weight loss, either from changes in diet or a healthy diet combined with exercise. Sleep quality improvement was also observed with a loss in belly fat. With an average loss of 15 pounds and 15% belly fat, sleep scores improved by 20%. Chronic sleep disruptions can elevate the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, and stroke. American Heart Association, November 2012

Active Release / Chiropractic: Spinal Degenerative Joint Disease. Spinal DJD (degenerative joint disease) occurs in most people as early as 40 years of age. The degeneration is due to gravity, major traumas, and repetitive micro-traumas (activities of daily living). Once the spine degenerates, simple mechanical compression (moving) can change nerve impulses, and the central nervous system may interpret that as pain. Pain, 1977 (Maintain that spinal mobility by getting ART and chiropractic treatment!)

Wellness/Prevention: Sleep and The Immune System. Sleep deprivation increases the risk for developing inflammation related illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and diabetes. Biological Psychiatry, September 2008

Quote: “Never confuse motion with action.” ~ Ben Franklin

Video Link: Dr. Stripling’s self help for mid and upper back pain (click)