Dr. Glenn Hyman’s Denver Chiropractic Center’s 1-Page Health News

Once again the 1-Page Health News is chock full of good stuff, like how marijuana affects the brain, germs on cutting boards, food poisoning in restaurants, and more!


Even Casual Marijuana Use Changes the Brain.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the brains of young adults who use marijuana at least once a week show alterations in the areas of the brain involved in motivation and emotion. Compared with non-users, marijuana users also appear to have a larger nucleus accumbens, the brain region involved in reward processing. Investigator Dr. Hans Breiter reports that their findings raise “a strong challenge to the idea that casual marijuana use isn’t associated with bad consequences.”
Journal of Neuroscience, April 2014


Health Alert: Drug-Resistant Germs Found on Cutting Boards!
Swiss scientists analyzed cutting boards from hospital cafeterias and private home kitchens after they were used to cut poultry but before the boards were washed. They found that 6.5% of hospital cutting boards and 3.5% of household cutting boards were contaminated with drug-resistant E. coli bacteria. This could pose a major health risk if the cutting boards are reused before being properly disinfected or if any food exposed to the cutting boards is not cooked at high enough temperatures to kill any bacterial contamination.
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, April 2014

Diet: Risk of Food Poisoning Higher in Restaurants.
Over the course of a decade in the United States (US), more people contracted food poisoning as a result of eating at a restaurant than eating at home. During this time, more than 1,600 restaurant-related food poisoning outbreaks sickened over 28,000 people while nine hundred food poisoning outbreaks were linked to homes, which affected over 13,000 individuals. Fortunately, the study found that food borne illness has decreased by 42% from 2002 to 2011.
Center for Science in the Public Interest, April 2014

Exercise: Does Specializing in One Sport Ensure Future Success?
Contrary to what some parents and coaches believe, researchers have found no evidence that athletes were more successful at earning a college scholarship or in starting a professional career if they only played one sport starting at a very young age. It appears that most of today’s successful athletes enjoyed multiple sports as children and waited until their teens to focus on only one sport.
American Society of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, April 2014

Chiropractic: Recommended for Back Pain.
Available evidence shows that spinal manipulation is more cost-effective and clinically effective than other accepted treatments for low back pain, including medical care.
Ontario Ministry of Health

Cover Your Mouth!
Using high-speed photography, researchers at MIT have discovered that individual droplets from coughing and sneezing are surrounded by an invisible cloud of gas that helps them travel up to 200 times farther than previously thought, even through building ventilation systems! Their findings reveal the importance of covering your mouth and nose with a tissue while sneezing or coughing to prevent the spread of germs.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, March 2014


Dr. Glenn Hyman & the staff at Denver Chiropractic Center

Exercise: Endurance Sports Make Muscles & Nerves Fit.

While researchers have long known that endurance sports improve the condition and fitness of muscles, new research shows that these athletes also experience enhanced communication between the nervous system and those muscles.
Nature Communications, April 2014

Research Supports Chiropractic Care.

Commentary by Dr. Scott Halderman of the Department of Neurology at the University of California, Irvine in response to an evidence report on the effectiveness of manual therapies, including spinal manipulation: “There was a time, not long ago, when there was little or no evidence to support the practice of manipulation that is the mainstay of chiropractic practice… There has, however, been a rapid growth in the number of clinical trials that have studied the effectiveness of manipulation, mobilization, and massage over the past 20 years and… there is now little dispute amongst knowledgeable scientists that manipulation is of value in the management of back pain, neck pain, and headaches that make up 90% or more of all patients who seek chiropractic care.”
Chiropractic & Osteopathy, February 2010

Chiropractic: More Cost-Effective.

Considering effectiveness and cost together, chiropractic care for low back and neck pain is highly cost-effective and represents a good value in comparison to other treatments, including medical care.
Mercer Health and Benefits, October 2009

Low back pain causes more global disability than any other health problem studied.

Low back pain is something that almost all people experience at some point in their lives. It is something common across sexes, age groups, countries, socioeconomic groups, education levels and occupation,” said Damian Hoy, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland’s School of Population Health, in Australia.

Back pain is the number one cause of lost work days in the U.S,” said Dr. Anders Cohen, Chief of Neurosurgery and Spine Surgery at the Brooklyn Hospital Center, in New York City.
Hoy and his colleagues reviewed 117 published studies that included information on low back pain prevalence. They also reviewed surveys done in 50 countries on back pain prevalence and severity. Compared to 291 other health conditions, the researchers found that low back pain causes more global disability than any other health problem studied.

The second study — done by researchers in Australia and the United States — looked at data from 187 countries from 1990 and 2010. Just over one-third of all work-related disability was related to low back pain, the study found.

“With aging and growing populations, low back pain is an enormous burden in developing countries,” lead author, Hoy said. “This is predicted to grow substantially over coming decades and will likely have an enormous impact on individual livelihoods, health care systems and economies.”

Both studies were published online on March 24 in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.

If you, or someone you care about, have back pain, we would love to the opportunity to help. Just call us or email us through the website.

Denver Chiropractic Center’s Health News for You…

Courtesy of:
Denver Chiropractic Center
1780 S Bellaire St #710
Denver, CO 80222
(303) 300-0424

“Face your life, its pain, its pleasure, leave no path untaken.”
~ Neil Gaiman

Mental Attitude: Advanced Math & Reading in Kindergarten Improves School Performance.
Regardless of economic background, a new study finds that exposing kindergarteners to more challenging math and reading content during their early education results in better performance in those subjects later in childhood.
American Educational Research Journal, March 2014

Health Alert: Drug-Resistant Bacterial Infections on the Rise.
Researchers report that antibiotic-resistant bacteria are infecting an increasing number of children in the United States. Though this type of infection is still rare, the researchers say it is increasingly found in children, predominantly those between the ages of one and five years old. Lead author Dr. Latania K. Logan adds, “These antibiotic-resistant bacteria have traditionally been found in health care settings but are increasingly being found in the community, in people who have not had a significant history of health care exposure.”
Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, March 2014

Diet: Does Diet Cause Depression?
Like heart disease, depression is associated with low-grade inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and worse lipid profiles that suggest a poor diet as an underlying cause. Existing research has shown increased fast food consumption is associated with a greater risk for depression. On the other hand, the Mediterranean diet has been observed to reduce depressive symptoms. According to researcher Dr. Almudena Sanchez-Villegas, “It is difficult to be sure that the diet is responsible for depression – it could be that depressed people make bad food choices. Other study problems include ‘confounders’ which may influence dietary habits, such as marital status, exercise, alcohol (or smoking), medical conditions and social networks. Or simply genetics. To address these issues we need long-term, randomized clinical studies similar to ones successfully conducted for diet and cardiovascular disease risk. Only then will we really understand the impact of diet of depression.”
BMC Medicine, January 2013

Exercise: Kids Should Play More Than One Sport!
A report published by the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine recommends children avoid early sport specialization as it may increase their risk for overuse injuries and burnout. Overuse-related injuries account for 50% of sports injuries among youth athletes.
American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, January 2014

Chiropractic: Maintenance Care Recommended.
Chiropractors often recommend periodic visits to identify joint dysfunction and make corrections with skilled spinal manipulation or Active Release Techniques (if the doc is certified, of course;). These maintenance treatments are thought to prevent disease of both neuromusculoskeletal and visceral causes.
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, January 2000

Wellness/Prevention: Vitamin A Intake During Pregnancy Affects Child’s Immunity.
An animal study involving mice has found that vitamin A deficiency during pregnancy leads to smaller lymph nodes and Peyer’s patches in offspring. Lymph nodes and Peyer’s patches are important components of the immune system and as a result, the vitamin A-deprived offspring in the study were more susceptible to viral infections later in life. The researchers further noted that giving vitamin A to deprived offspring failed to reverse the impact of deficiency during pregnancy.
Immunology, March 2014

Chiropractic: Upper Back Adjustments Help Neck Pain?

Spinal manipulation applied to the upper thoracic spinal region of sixty non-specific neck patients was found to improve cervical mobility and decrease neck pain.
Manual Therapy, March 2014

Health Alert: One in Five Older Americans Take Medications That Work Against Each Other.

More than 20% of medications prescribed to older adults interfere with medications they may be taking for other health concerns, possibly worsening one or more of the conditions for which they’re being treated. Some of the most common competing chronic conditions in which medications for one condition may exacerbate the other include hypertension and osteoarthritis; hypertension and diabetes; hypertension and COPD; diabetes and coronary artery disease; and hypertension and depression. Many health care providers are aware of this problem but there isn’t much information available on how to address it.
PLOS ONE, February 2014

Diet: The Five-Second Rule.

Researchers have found that the time food spends on the floor and type of flooring affects how many germs are transferred to the food we drop. They found that carpet was least likely to transfer germs, while solid surfaces increased the risk of germ transfer after five or more seconds. Furthermore, they surveyed individuals’ willingness to eat dropped food. Dr. Anthony Hilton, a professor of microbiology at Aston University in England, says, “Our study showed, surprisingly, that a large majority of people are happy to consume dropped food, with women the most likely to do so, but they are also more likely to follow the 5-second rule, which our research has shown to be much more than an old wives’ tale.”
Aston University, March 2014

What Type of Doctor Should You See For Acute or Chronic Back Pain?

Have you ever considered who is the best suited to treat back pain?

Since there are so many treatment options available today, it is quite challenging to make this decision without a little help.To facilitate, a study looking at this very question compared the effectiveness between medical and chiropractic intervention.

Over a 4-year time frame, 2780 patients were followed with questionnaires. Low Back Pain patients were treated using conventional approaches by both MDs (Medical Doctors) and DCs (Doctors of Chiropractic). Chiropractic treatments included spinal manipulation, physical therapy, an exercise plan, and self-care education.

Medical therapies included prescription drugs, an exercise plan, self-care advice and about 25% of the patients received physical therapy. The study focused on present pain severity and functional disability (activity interference) measured by questionnaires mailed to the patients. It was reported that chiropractic was favored over medical treatment in the following areas:

  • Pain relief in the first 12 months (more evident in the chronic patients)
  • When LBP pain radiated below the knee (more evident in the chronic patients)
  • Chronic LBP patients with no leg pain (during the first 3 months)
  • Similar trends favoring chiropractic were seen for disability but were of smaller magnitude.

All patient groups saw significant improvement in both pain and disability over the four year study period. Acute patients saw the greatest degree of improvement with many achieving symptom relief after 3 months of care. This study also found early intervention reduced chronic pain and, at year 3, those acute LBP patients who received early intervention reported fewer days of LBP than those who waited longer for treatment.

While both MDs and DCs treatment approaches helped, it’s quite clear from the information reported that chiropractic should be utilized first.

These findings support the importance of early intervention by chiropractic physicians and make the most sense for those of you struggling with the question of who to see for your LBP.