Tag Archive for: ART Doctor

The Barbell Thruster, one of our Denver Chiropractor’s “Best Ever” exercises

This is one of those, “Best bang for your buck,” type of exercises. As always clear it with a doctor and make sure it’s right for you. Nothing that you read or watch on this site constitutes medical advice. Always seek out a licensed healthcare provider.

Work those glutes w this side lunge.

Work the side of the hips (strengthen the oft accused glute medius) and build up some sport-relevant endurance with this excellent little exercise. Always clear w a doctor first.

Our Denver Chiropractor has deconstructed the overhead squat so anyone can do it.

Our Denver Chiropractor, Dr. Glenn Hyman, thinks this is a great way to improve your posture, prevent knee pain and improve muscular endurance in your quads and glutes. Check with a doctor first!

Video: from our Denver Chiropractor: The 1 and 1/4 squat

Our Denver Chiropractor, Dr. Glenn Hyman, thinks this is a great way to strengthen your knees, prevent knee pain and improve muscular endurance in your quads and glutes.