Tag Archive for: Active Release Techniques

Denver Chiropractor Enhances Athletic Performance and Accelerating Recovery with Chiropractic Care

Denver Chiropractor Enhances Athletic Performance and Accelerating Recovery with Chiropractic Care

The Athlete Within: Professional sports and chiropractic care have a longstanding relationship. Athletes continuously seek ways to gain a competitive edge, and many have found chiropractic care to be instrumental. Denver Chiropractor Dr. Glenn Hyman presents a range of topics this month, including the integration of chiropractic care in professional sports, the significance of social proof, the influence of chiropractic care on sports performance, and exciting new research findings.

Professional sports teams increasingly incorporate chiropractors into their healthcare teams, recognizing the benefits of chiropractic adjustments in enhancing strength and preventing injuries. Notable research studies demonstrate an increase in cortical drive and strength post-adjustment, along with the potential for chiropractic care to mitigate future episodes of low back pain.

Managing Pain in Professional Sports: Chiropractic care has become a staple on the sidelines of professional sports. With a focus on holistic approaches to managing pain and promoting recovery, chiropractors play a crucial role in ensuring athletes perform at their peak. Recognizing the limitations of traditional pain management methods, sports franchises now prioritize comprehensive care approaches, including chiropractic interventions.

CrossFit Enthusiasts, Take Note: Chiropractic care offers substantial benefits for CrossFit practitioners aiming to enhance performance and expedite recovery. Recent research highlights how chiropractic adjustments can boost cortical drive, improve spinal motion, and reduce inflammation, all contributing to better performance and injury prevention.

Embracing Excellence: Drawing inspiration from legendary athletes like Michael Jordan, who credited chiropractic care for his physical and mental improvements, individuals are increasingly turning to chiropractic services to achieve their athletic goals. Testimonials from iconic athletes emphasize the integral role of chiropractic care in sustaining peak performance.

Preserving Spinal Health for Everyday Success: While not everyone may pursue a professional sports career, maintaining spinal health is crucial for optimal performance in daily activities. Denver Chiropractor Dr. Glenn Hyman emphasizes the importance of regular chiropractic visits, exercise, and stretching routines to prevent spinal issues and promote overall well-being.

Next Steps: Whether you’re aiming for a podium finish or a successful presentation, incorporating chiropractic care into your routine can optimize your performance and resilience. Reach out to Dr. Glenn Hyman’s Denver Chiropractic Center to discover personalized strategies for achieving your health and fitness goals (303-300-0424). Or request an appt here: https://www.denverback.com/contact/

Science Source: Explore the latest research on chiropractic care’s impact on sports performance and spinal health, including studies on cortical drive enhancement, injury prevention, and long-term outcomes of spinal manipulation therapy.

Finding Relief from Neck Pain in Denver: Chiropractor Glenn Hyman Can Help

Finding Relief from Neck Pain in Denver: Chiropractor Glenn Hyman Can Help

How Denver Chiropractor Glenn Hyman Can Relieve Your Neck Pain

Your neck plays a vital role in your daily life, supporting the weight of your head and facilitating its movement. However, various factors, including postural changes, sudden injuries, and arthritis, can lead to neck pain. When your neck’s muscles, bones, discs, or nerves are affected, it can result in debilitating pain and discomfort.

If you’ve ever experienced neck pain that restricts your head’s movement, you understand the life-changing impact it can have. Muscle spasms can be a sign that something is amiss with the sliding facet joints in your neck. Denver Chiropractor Glenn Hyman can help by gently adjusting your spine and incorporating daily stretching exercises to restore motion to these facet joints, reducing pain and promoting a better quality of life

How Denver Chiropractor Glenn Hyman Can Help Alleviate Neck Pain

Experiencing neck pain is your body’s way of signaling an issue that needs attention. Even if the pain subsides, it’s wise to seek an evaluation to address any underlying problems. Movement assessments are a crucial part of our examination, offering valuable insights into your condition. By taking proactive steps towards your health, you can prevent future episodes of neck pain and stiffness with the assistance of Denver Chiropractor Glenn Hyman.

Denver Chiropractor Glenn Hyman’s Approach to Relieving Spinal Stenosis

Have you been diagnosed with spinal stenosis? You’re not alone; this condition affects millions of individuals daily, especially those over the age of 65. Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of spinal spaces, often caused by degenerative changes related to osteoarthritis. This condition can lead to severe discomfort, making it challenging to move freely.

Denver Chiropractor Glenn Hyman offers a non-invasive approach to relieving the symptoms of spinal stenosis. By reducing pressure on your spinal cord and nerves, we help you regain the ability to move comfortably and live a more active life.

After receiving chiropractic care from Denver Chiropractor Glenn Hyman, many patients report reduced symptoms, increased mobility, and an improved overall quality of life. If spinal stenosis has slowed you down, don’t hesitate to schedule an evaluation with us. We will provide a comprehensive assessment and guide you towards the best treatment options for lasting relief.

Arm Pain Linked to Neck Issues: How Denver Chiropractor Glenn Hyman Can Help

Dealing with pain in your hand, wrist, or arm can be frustrating and debilitating. Often, we don’t associate these symptoms with issues in our neck. However, arm pain can frequently be attributed to nerve problems originating in the neck.

Pain, numbness, or tingling in your hand, wrist, or arm often stem from a neck issue. When a spinal disc in your neck irritates or compresses a nerve, it can result in arm pain. Denver Chiropractor Glenn Hyman specializes in addressing such issues through chiropractic adjustments, improving spinal mobility, reducing inflammation, and promoting better posture.

Denver Chiropractor Glenn Hyman’s Expertise in Relieving Arm Pain

Surgery is rarely necessary for arm pain caused by a pinched nerve in your neck. Most individuals can find long-term relief through conservative care provided by Denver Chiropractor Glenn Hyman. Our comprehensive approach focuses on reducing inflammation, allowing the disc to heal, and helping our patients regain their lives.

Denver Chiropractor Glenn Hyman’s Approach to Neck Pain Relief

Neck pain can disrupt your daily life, making even simple activities challenging. Whether your pain stems from injury, degenerative changes, or poor posture, relief is within reach. About 70% of people experience neck pain at some point in their lives, but understanding the source of your pain is the first step towards finding relief.

Different types of neck pain can indicate various underlying issues, with strained muscles and stuck spinal joints being the most common culprits. Denver Chiropractor Glenn Hyman can accurately diagnose the cause of your neck pain and develop a comprehensive care plan to help you regain your life from this discomfort.

A minor adjustment can bring significant improvements to your quality of life. Our practice is dedicated to enhancing your spinal motion and providing you with at-home stretches and exercises to continue your progress. If neck pain has been holding you back from enjoying life, contact our team for assistance. We’re here to help you find relief from neck pain and improve your overall well-being.

Call us today to see how Denver Chiropractor Glenn Hyman can help you @ 303-300-0424

Science Source:

  • Intervertebral Kinematics of the Cervical Spine Before, During, and After High-Velocity Low Amplitude Manipulation. The Spine Journal, 2018.
  • Spinal Stenosis. The Mayo Clinic, 2020.
  • Symptomatic, Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Confirmed Cervical Disk Herniation Patients: A Comparative-Effectiveness Prospective Observational Study of 2 Age- and Sex-Matched Cohorts Treated With Either Imaging-Guided Indirect Cervical Nerve Root Injections or Spinal Manipulative Therapy. JMPT, 2016.
  • Spinal manipulation, medication, or home exercise with advice for acute and subacute neck pain: a randomized trial. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2012.

Denver Chiropractor tackles Stress Headaches.

Ready to learn how to break the stress headache cycle once and for all?

Well, if you’re looking for chiropractic care in Denver for tension headaches, you’re off to a great start! Dr. Glenn Hyman at Denver Chiropractic Center can help you with a combination of Active Release Techniques soft tissue treatment and gentle chiropractic care, along with home exercise recommendations.

Read on!

The Bottom Line

How many times have you been “stressed out” just today?

Are you already worried about something you have to tackle at work or an upcoming appointment later this week?

Maybe you have a big work meeting just around the corne?

As the go-to provider of chiropractic care for tension headaches in Denver, we understand why it is that these situations can lead to one very common outcome – stress headaches.

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “that’s a headache waiting to happen.”

Of course you have – we’ve all been there!

And if you tend to deal with stress by clenching your jaw or tensing your muscles, you might unknowingly be setting the stage for a headache.

So, what causes this to happen, and how can we break this stress-headache cycle?

Let’s explore.

Why it Matters

Long ago, our bodies developed a “fight or flight” response to ensure we could handle physical threats that were all too real in the prehistoric world.

This response causes our heart and breathing rate to increase, blood pressure to rise, and blood flow to our extremities to amplify – all to prepare us for combat or swift escape.

While this instinct is still ingrained in us, the threats we face have, well… significantly changed.

As a result, our bodies often struggle to differentiate between physical danger and psychological stress.

This means that we might react to that big meeting at work with the same internal responses as if we were being pursued by a prehistoric predator!

And how does this connect to headaches, you ask?

Well, if there’s one thing to remember about stress, it’s this: it can intensify your symptoms when you’re unwell.

Stress and headaches are absolutely linked.

Episodic headaches, which occur occasionally, are often triggered by isolated stressful incidents.

Common everyday stressors include anxiety, poor sleep habits, or less than minor life changes.

On the other hand, chronic headaches are typically triggered by persistent daily stress and a lack of regular exercise.

To help you better understand how to break the stress headache cycle, we’ve compiled a list of our top tips for stress reduction.

This could be your first step towards fewer headaches.

How to Break the Stress Headache Cycle

Exercise Regularly

Engaging in regular physical activity can boost your endorphins, lifting your mood and helping you feel happier.

Moreover, regular exercise can increase your overall energy levels, enabling you to shift your focus away from stressful events or situations.

Get Plenty of Sleep

We can’t emphasize this enough: quality sleep is key to managing stress and reducing headaches.

Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep each night and maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

Establishing a regular sleep pattern can contribute to your overall well-being.


When it comes to understanding how to break the stress headache cycle, relaxation is more than just a suggestion.

It’s important to set aside time specifically for relaxation techniques that can help you stay calm during stressful periods.

Practices like meditation and yoga can help you achieve both physical and mental relaxation, mitigating the onset of stress and consequently, headaches.

See your Chiropractor!

Keeping your spinal joints moving properly can alleviate the strain on your spine and its supporting muscles.

Dr. Glenn Hyman at Denver Chiropractic Center can get you feeling better quickly.

Tension headaches are often triggered when neck and scalp muscles become tense or contract, often due to maintaining the same head position for extended periods.

Regular chiropractic care along with Active Release Soft Tissue treatment can help correct the physical imbalances that lead to tension headaches, helping you move and feel better.

Next Steps

So, can stress cause headaches? Absolutely.

While there is a very real connection between stress and headaches, rest assured that there are both simple and effective ways to combat this cycle.

When you feel your stress levels starting to creep up, start by taking a moment to practice your favorite relaxation techniques.

And don’t forget to prioritize essential preventative self-care like daily exercise, balanced meals, and good sleep hygiene.

And, of course, regular visits to your favorite trusted chiropractic team can make a world of difference.

If you haven’t yet tried it and you’re ready to explore chiropractic care for tension headaches in Denver, we’re here for you!

Our expert Denver chiropractor, Dr. Glenn Hyman,  is committed to working with you to keep you relaxed and moving well.

We’ll help you learn how to break the stress headache cycle and get you the care you need so you can enjoy a healthier, happier life. Call us today or use the contact page to request an appointment.

Denver Chiropractor says: “Good posture is dynamic.”

Perfect Posture is Dynamic.

Good posture is not just about looking confident and presenting yourself well; it plays a significant role in maintaining your overall health and well-being. Maintaining the correct body posture can prevent pain, injuries, and other health problems. This article will discuss the importance of good posture, its benefits, ways to improve and maintain it, and how chiropractors can help correct posture.

What is Good Posture?

Good posture involves maintaining the spine’s natural curves and aligning the body’s segments in a way that distributes body weight evenly across all joints. There are two types of posture: static and dynamic.

The Benefits of Good Posture

Maintaining good posture can have several benefits for your health and well-being, such as reduced risk of pain and injuries, improved muscle strength and flexibility, better balance and coordination, enhanced breathing and digestion, and boosted self-confidence.

Assessing Your Posture

A proper posture assessment can help you identify any areas of imbalance or misalignment in your body. When assessing your posture, pay attention to head alignment, curvature of the spine, shoulder and pelvic symmetry, and joint alignment.

Posture and Health

Poor posture can negatively impact your health in several ways, causing neck, shoulder, and back pain, decreasing flexibility, affecting joint mobility, and impairing balance. Over time, poor posture can lead to digestive issues, breathing disorders, and even incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse in women.

Tips for Improving Posture

There are several steps you can take to improve your posture and maintain it, such as being mindful of your posture, staying active, maintaining a healthy weight, wearing comfortable shoes, adjusting your workspace, and taking breaks. Incorporating specific exercises into your routine can also help strengthen the muscles that support good posture.

Chiropractors for Posture Corrections

Consulting a chiropractor can be an effective solution for correcting posture. Chiropractors are experts in musculoskeletal health and can assess your posture, identify any imbalances or misalignments. They can provide personalized advice and guidance to correct your posture.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining good posture is essential for your long-term health and well-being. By being mindful of your body positions, staying active, and incorporating targeted exercises into your routine, you can improve your posture and enjoy the many benefits it offers. If you’re struggling with poor posture or experiencing pain, consult a chiropractor for personalized advice and guidance.

Discover the Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Low Back Pain in Denver, CO 8022

The Problem with Relying on Medications for Low Back Pain

For many of us, taking over-the-counter pain relievers like Aleve or Ibuprofen is a go-to solution for temporary headaches or other body aches and pains. However, relying on medication for chronic low back pain is not a long-term solution. NSAIDs like these are not intended to treat the underlying condition causing those symptoms, nor are they intended for long-term use.

If you’re struggling with low back pain in Denver, CO, you need to know that chiropractic care can provide you with real relief. Along with chiropractic adjustments, we use Active Release Techniques and corrective exercises to help address the underlying causes of your pain.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments are a safe, non-invasive way to reduce pain and improve spinal function. By applying gentle pressure to specific areas of the spine, we can realign vertebrae that may have shifted out of place. This can help to relieve pressure on nerves, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

Active Release Techniques

Active Release Techniques (ART) is a soft tissue therapy that can help to relieve pain and restore function. It involves applying pressure to specific areas of muscle tissue while moving the muscle through its range of motion. This can help to break up scar tissue and adhesions, which can cause pain and limit mobility. Dr. Hyman has been certified in ART for over 23 years.

Corrective Exercises

Corrective exercises are designed to improve posture, increase flexibility, and strengthen the muscles that support your spine. By doing these exercises regularly, you can help to prevent future injuries and reduce your risk of developing chronic back pain.

Why Choose Us?

Our chiropractic clinic in Denver, CO 80222 is dedicated to providing our patients with the highest quality care possible. With 25 years of experience helping patients with back pain, Dr. Hyman is a trusted and respected chiropractor in the Denver area.

Research supports the effectiveness of chiropractic care for low back pain, and established healthcare organizations such as Harvard Health and The Mayo Clinic have published numerous articles highlighting its benefits. As chiropractors, we take pride in delivering care that ranks at the top of nearly every list.

Next Steps:

If you or someone you know is struggling with low back pain, it’s time to consider chiropractic care. Dr. Hyman, with 25 years of experience helping patients, is here to help you. Our practice is located in Denver, CO 80222, and we offer a whole-body approach to care that focuses on treating the root cause of your pain. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and discover the benefits of chiropractic care for low back pain. Call us at 303.300.0424 or use the Contact page above to request an appointment. We look forward to helping you.

Were you recently injured in a car accident? Our Denver chiropractor can help.

Were Denver car accident injury chiropractoryou recently injured in a car accident? Do you want to get fully healed and back to your normal activities as quickly as possible? Look no further than our Denver chiropractor for car accidents. Dr Glenn Hyman, or Denver Chiropractor, been providing expert care for over 25 years. Read more