Dr. Glenn Hyman’s Blog

Denver Athletes- Unlock Your Athletic Potential: The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Denver Athletes- Unlock Your Athletic Potential: The Benefits of Chiropractic Care with a top rated chiropractor for sports injuries in Denver

The benefits of chiropractic care for athletes are becoming more widely recognized, with many professional sports teams now including chiropractors on staff. From injury prevention to performance enhancement, chiropractic care offers numerous benefits to athletes of all levels.

Recent research has shown that spinal adjustments can positively influence the brain, spinal cord, and muscle strength, resulting in improved motor control and movement patterns. Chiropractic care can also help reduce pain perception, making it an effective treatment for athletes dealing with pain. Athletes who receive chiropractic care have been found to have significant increases in functional muscle strength compared to those who do not receive care.

Chiropractors themselves are a bridge between the player, coach, and medical team, offering a holistic approach to sports care that emphasizes injury prevention and performance improvement. This unique focus on preventing injury and improving mobility and performance means that chiropractors can bring an athlete’s care full-circle.

If you’re an athlete, whether you’re a weekend warrior, local minor league celebrity, or you play at a professional level, taking care of your body is key to unlocking your full potential in any sport. Chiropractic care is an all-natural and “hands-on” approach to sports care that can help ensure your body is feeling and functioning at its best.

As a top rated chiropractor in Denver for sports injuries, we understand the unique needs of athletes. We have experience working with athletes of all levels and can help you achieve your fitness goals by addressing your specific needs. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain or simply looking to improve your athletic performance, chiropractic care can help unlock your full potential. We use a powerful combination of chiropractic adjustments, Active Release Techniques, and targeted rehab exercises.Our Denver Chiropractor has over 25 years of experience.

So if you’re looking for a way to improve your athletic performance or prevent injuries, don’t write off chiropractic care. It is an essential component of athlete care, and finding the best chiropractor for sports injuries in your area is essential to achieving your fitness goals and staying injury-free. Take care of your body and give us a call today to schedule. 303.300.0424, or use the contact page above to schedule.

Why All Denver Athletes Need a Chiropractor

Dr. Glenn w Trophy.

Dr. Glenn hoists the D-4 trophy.

Are you an athlete looking to stay in the game and prevent sports injuries? If so, you’re in the right place.

As the leading sports injury prevention chiropractor in Denver, we’ve helped countless athletes achieve peak performance while reducing the risk of injury.

In this blog post, we’re sharing some proactive health habits for weekend sports that can help you stay in the game and recover better.

Why All Denver Athletes Need a Chiropractor

Chiropractors specialize in musculoskeletal health, which is why they are an essential resource for athletes of all levels.

Through chiropractic care, athletes can benefit from improved alignment, enhanced range of motion, and reduced inflammation. This can lead to better performance, faster recovery, and a lower risk of injury.

Proactive Health Habits for Weekend Sports

  1. Regular Exercise

Engaging in regular exercise during the week can help reduce the risk of injury on the weekends. Aim for at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week to help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses.

  1. Strength Training

Building strength is another crucial factor in injury prevention. Focus on different muscle groups, including your core, upper body, and lower body, through resistance training exercises such as lunges, squats, push-ups, and planks.

  1. Regular Movement

Extended periods of sitting can cause stiffness and reduce your body’s flexibility, leading to an increased risk of injury. Therefore, move throughout the day, even if it’s only for a few minutes.

Incorporating stretching, strength training, and movement into your daily routine can help reduce the risk of injury and improve your overall fitness level.

Next Steps

If you’re an athlete looking to prevent injuries and improve your game, incorporating these proactive health habits into your routine is a great place to start.

And if you’re looking for a chiropractor in Denver to help ensure you can play hard and recover well for years to come, schedule a visit with us today. Our experienced and top-rated Denver chiropractor (25 years!) can help you achieve your goals and stay injury-free. Call us at 303.300.0424 0r use the contact page above to request an appointment.

Denver Chiropractor says: “Good posture is dynamic.”

Perfect Posture is Dynamic.

Good posture is not just about looking confident and presenting yourself well; it plays a significant role in maintaining your overall health and well-being. Maintaining the correct body posture can prevent pain, injuries, and other health problems. This article will discuss the importance of good posture, its benefits, ways to improve and maintain it, and how chiropractors can help correct posture.

What is Good Posture?

Good posture involves maintaining the spine’s natural curves and aligning the body’s segments in a way that distributes body weight evenly across all joints. There are two types of posture: static and dynamic.

The Benefits of Good Posture

Maintaining good posture can have several benefits for your health and well-being, such as reduced risk of pain and injuries, improved muscle strength and flexibility, better balance and coordination, enhanced breathing and digestion, and boosted self-confidence.

Assessing Your Posture

A proper posture assessment can help you identify any areas of imbalance or misalignment in your body. When assessing your posture, pay attention to head alignment, curvature of the spine, shoulder and pelvic symmetry, and joint alignment.

Posture and Health

Poor posture can negatively impact your health in several ways, causing neck, shoulder, and back pain, decreasing flexibility, affecting joint mobility, and impairing balance. Over time, poor posture can lead to digestive issues, breathing disorders, and even incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse in women.

Tips for Improving Posture

There are several steps you can take to improve your posture and maintain it, such as being mindful of your posture, staying active, maintaining a healthy weight, wearing comfortable shoes, adjusting your workspace, and taking breaks. Incorporating specific exercises into your routine can also help strengthen the muscles that support good posture.

Chiropractors for Posture Corrections

Consulting a chiropractor can be an effective solution for correcting posture. Chiropractors are experts in musculoskeletal health and can assess your posture, identify any imbalances or misalignments. They can provide personalized advice and guidance to correct your posture.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining good posture is essential for your long-term health and well-being. By being mindful of your body positions, staying active, and incorporating targeted exercises into your routine, you can improve your posture and enjoy the many benefits it offers. If you’re struggling with poor posture or experiencing pain, consult a chiropractor for personalized advice and guidance.

Discover the Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Low Back Pain in Denver, CO 8022

The Problem with Relying on Medications for Low Back Pain

For many of us, taking over-the-counter pain relievers like Aleve or Ibuprofen is a go-to solution for temporary headaches or other body aches and pains. However, relying on medication for chronic low back pain is not a long-term solution. NSAIDs like these are not intended to treat the underlying condition causing those symptoms, nor are they intended for long-term use.

If you’re struggling with low back pain in Denver, CO, you need to know that chiropractic care can provide you with real relief. Along with chiropractic adjustments, we use Active Release Techniques and corrective exercises to help address the underlying causes of your pain.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments are a safe, non-invasive way to reduce pain and improve spinal function. By applying gentle pressure to specific areas of the spine, we can realign vertebrae that may have shifted out of place. This can help to relieve pressure on nerves, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

Active Release Techniques

Active Release Techniques (ART) is a soft tissue therapy that can help to relieve pain and restore function. It involves applying pressure to specific areas of muscle tissue while moving the muscle through its range of motion. This can help to break up scar tissue and adhesions, which can cause pain and limit mobility. Dr. Hyman has been certified in ART for over 23 years.

Corrective Exercises

Corrective exercises are designed to improve posture, increase flexibility, and strengthen the muscles that support your spine. By doing these exercises regularly, you can help to prevent future injuries and reduce your risk of developing chronic back pain.

Why Choose Us?

Our chiropractic clinic in Denver, CO 80222 is dedicated to providing our patients with the highest quality care possible. With 25 years of experience helping patients with back pain, Dr. Hyman is a trusted and respected chiropractor in the Denver area.

Research supports the effectiveness of chiropractic care for low back pain, and established healthcare organizations such as Harvard Health and The Mayo Clinic have published numerous articles highlighting its benefits. As chiropractors, we take pride in delivering care that ranks at the top of nearly every list.

Next Steps:

If you or someone you know is struggling with low back pain, it’s time to consider chiropractic care. Dr. Hyman, with 25 years of experience helping patients, is here to help you. Our practice is located in Denver, CO 80222, and we offer a whole-body approach to care that focuses on treating the root cause of your pain. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and discover the benefits of chiropractic care for low back pain. Call us at 303.300.0424 or use the Contact page above to request an appointment. We look forward to helping you.

The Surprising Cause of Your Leg Pain: Your Back!

Are you one of the many people who spend most of your day sitting at a desk? If so, you may be familiar with the aches and pains that often come along with it. Neck pain, back pain, and even leg pain can all be caused by prolonged sitting and poor posture. But did you know that your leg pain could actually be caused by your back?

As the top back pain specialist in Denver, 80222, we see patients with this issue nearly every day. Pain that travels along a spinal nerve is called radicular pain, and it’s one of the most common types of pain that occurs as a result of spinal nerve compression. Nerve compression can often cause back and leg pain to appear at the same time.

The most common cause of this type of pain is a pinched nerve in your low back. When a nerve is compressed or irritated due to a herniated spinal disc, bone spur, or ligament overgrowth, it can become inflamed and painful. But the good news is that all of these conditions have a great chance of recovery without the need for drugs or surgery.

Research has shown that people struggling with sciatica pain can get fantastic results with chiropractic care. In fact, in one widely circulated study, researchers observed that 89% of patients suffering from symptomatic sciatica responded very well to chiropractic adjustments. In another recent study, researchers found that 60% of participants with symptomatic cases of sciatica benefited from chiropractic adjustments to the same degree as if they underwent surgical intervention (without any of the risks!).

Beyond adjustments, exercise and rehab can also help strengthen the muscles supporting your spine to reduce the likelihood of a relapse. Taking non-invasive steps to reduce inflammation, re-establish proper joint motion, and taking proactive steps to reduce the likelihood of the pain coming back are all part of our care plans.

So if you’re wondering what causes back and leg pain and want to find out what’s causing your leg and low back pain, give us a call today! At our practice in Denver, we utilize various treatments, including adjustments, Active Release Techniques, and corrective exercises, to correct spinal conditions such as herniated disc to help relieve your leg and back pain and help prevent it from recurring. Our mission is to help people treat their compressed nerves and regain their quality of life.

We can help you. Just schedule with our Denver Chiropractor by calling 303.300.0424 or use the contact form to request an appointment. We look forward to helping you.

Were you recently injured in a car accident? Our Denver chiropractor can help.

Were Denver car accident injury chiropractoryou recently injured in a car accident? Do you want to get fully healed and back to your normal activities as quickly as possible? Look no further than our Denver chiropractor for car accidents. Dr Glenn Hyman, or Denver Chiropractor, been providing expert care for over 25 years. Read more

Title: Say Goodbye to Low Back Pain: Understanding the Causes

Are you one of the millions of people worldwide who suffer from low back pain? You’re not alone. In fact, low back pain is the leading reason why people miss work and visit their doctor. If you’re tired of dealing with the aches and pains that come with low back pain, then keep reading.

As the leading low back pain specialist in Denver (80222), we know that distorted movement patterns and abnormal habits can cause low back pain. From sitting at a desk all day to sudden injuries, these habits can contribute to an increased likelihood of back pain.

The three most common causes of low back pain are sprain/strain injuries, spinal disc issues, and arthritis. But the good news is that in most cases, these issues can be treated without invasive procedures or medication.

Research supports the use of chiropractic care for the treatment of all types of low back pain. In fact, a recent study found that patients with disc issues who received chiropractic care experienced the same or more relief than those who underwent back surgery.

At our chiropractic practice in Denver (80222), we work with you to determine the root cause of your low back pain and provide non-invasive treatment options to help you get back to your daily routine.

Don’t let low back pain control your life any longer. Schedule an appointment with our low back pain specialists and discover how chiropractic care can help you say goodbye to pain for good.

Denver Chiropractor provides All-Natural Back Pain Relief: The Movement Solution You Need

All-Natural Back Pain Relief: The Movement Solution You Need

Meta-Description: Are you tired of using temporary solutions to relieve back pain? Discover the benefits of all-natural relief through movement. As the leading lower back pain specialist in [your city / town / neighborhood], we can help you find the solution you need.

If you’re suffering from back pain, you know how it can affect your daily life. You may have tried several solutions, from medication to rest, but found only temporary relief. What you need is a natural and effective solution that addresses the root cause of your back pain.

As the top lower back pain specialist in Denver, CO 80222, we recommend the movement solution for back pain relief. Studies have shown that movement and exercise can be more effective in managing back pain than medication and rest. In fact, chiropractic adjustments can provide similar benefits as surgical intervention for symptomatic cases of sciatica.

Why Movement Matters:

Your body is designed to move, and a lack of daily movement can cause back pain or even chronic postural changes that contribute to pain. There are three types of body movement: segmental, regional, and whole-body, and all are essential to maintaining spinal and musculoskeletal health.

  1. Segmental Movement: Chiropractors are trained to move individual joints to reduce pain, improve range of motion, and influence the central nervous system.
  2. Regional Movement: Dynamic stretching and regional range of motion exercises can reduce low back stiffness.
  3. Whole Body Exercise: Daily exercise can improve brain and body function, as well as improve rest and recovery at night.

Chiropractic Care for All-Natural Back Pain Relief:

The foundation of all movement is segmental movement, and chiropractic care can help ensure your body is moving at its best. At [your clinic name], we offer safe and natural solutions for back pain relief. Our team provides a complete movement assessment and personalized exercise plan to help you get (and stay) well for years to come.

Don’t let back pain limit your life. Call us today to discover the natural movement solution for all-natural back pain relief. As the top lower back pain specialist in Denver, CO 80222, we’re here to help you find the relief you need.

How to Recover from Whiplash Injuries Naturally

Recovering from Whiplash

Bottom Line:

Your spine is a long chain of bones, discs, muscles, and ligaments that extend from your skull down to your tailbone.

The cervical spine (your neck) is designed to support your head and protect the nerves that go out to your face, shoulders, and arms.

Postural changes, arthritis, and sudden injuries are a few of the primary causes of neck pain.

Most of the time, the pain can be traced to a problem with either the muscles, bones, discs, or nerves in your neck.

That’s important to remember when considering how to recover from whiplash injuries naturally.

That’s probably a big part of what has you considering seeking chiropractic treatment for whiplash in Denver, CO.

Whiplash injuries can occur during a sports accident or during a slip and fall.

And, as most of us know, whiplash injuries are also commonly sustained during auto accidents.

These injuries can cause damage to the delicate structures in your neck and lead to symptoms such as headaches, neck pain and stiffness, shoulder pain, and numbness and tingling or pain in your arms and hands.

That pain is your body’s way of saying “pay attention inside now!”

Let’s take a closer look at what happens when a whiplash injury is sustained, and, perhaps more importantly, how to recover from whiplash injuries naturally.


Why it Matters:

Over 1.5 million whiplash injuries occur each year, many from low impact collisions.

Research does in fact show that low-speed crashes can create the force necessary to cause pain and injury.

Because these injuries can be sustained in collisions other than car accidents and can occur at low speeds, many people often ignore them and have never learned how to recover from whiplash injuries naturally.

Many of you neighbors who’ve been involved in an auto accident recently are most likely seeking chiropractic treatment for whiplash in Denver, CO right now for that reason.

The truth is that even minor damage to the ligaments of your neck can take up to 12 weeks to heal.

In some cases, the partial tearing of the muscles, tendons, or ligaments around your spine can take several months to heal.

Depending on the severity of the ligament tearing, these injuries may also be classified as permanent.

Whiplash can also cause damage to your facet joints and spinal discs by stretching them beyond their normal range of motion.

Almost every bone in your neck has a pair of sliding joints towards the back called facet joints.

If an adhesion forms or the joint is stuck, your body will try to compensate.

A stiff neck after an accident is a good clue that a whiplash injury may have occurred.

Keep an eye out for swelling and bruising, which can take up to 24 hours to develop.

Many people may already know what symptoms to watch for, but most people may not really know how to recover from whiplash injuries naturally.

How to Recover From Whiplash Injuries Naturally

It’s essential to control any inflammation early in your treatment and improve your range of motion.

In other words, it’s key to use movement as medicine.

While it may seem strange that movement can be a good thing even if it causes discomfort, we know that controlled movement can limit the amount of scar tissue that forms and may even increase the healing rate.

Still wondering exactly how to recover from whiplash injuries naturally?

Let’s recap the key principles we just discussed.

  • Obtaining an accurate diagnosis with a complete examination and spinal imaging is the first step towards determining the best plan of care to heal from your injuries.
  • Inflammation is often the primary factor that causes pain and restricted movement after a whiplash injury.
  • Controlling inflammation naturally and reestablishing your range of motion can help reduce your pain and improve the results of your care.


Next Steps:

With the right healthcare team, most people can get back to their full life and activities without the need for drugs or surgery.

Chiropractors focus on the structure and function of your spine.

When your spine is functioning optimally, your body is able to heal itself, no medications needed.

When looking at how to recover from whiplash injuries naturally, a chiropractor’s care is key.

We take a holistic approach to help you recover from whiplash by examining and treating the injured muscles, ligaments, discs, and more.

Depending on the type of accident, we may choose to take x-rays or an MRI of your neck to evaluate your injuries better.

Chiropractors are considered essential after an accident because of our focus on improving your movement, biomechanics, and functional ability while reducing your pain.

Schedule an appointment to receive chiropractic treatment for whiplash in Denver, CO today if you are someone you know has been injured in a car accident.

We’re here to help guide your recovery process and theirs every step of the way.

Science Source:

The Treatment of Neck Pain and Whiplash-Associated Disorders. JMPT. 2016.

Delayed Pain After a Car Accident


Bottom Line:

If you can walk away after a car accident without any catastrophic injuries, you should certainly consider yourself lucky.

But there is something important we want you to commit to your memory right now.

Even if you feel ok after exchanging information and speaking with the police, it is always a good idea to see a chiropractor after an accident.

With your adrenaline pumping directly after an accident, your brain may not truly register the pain signals coming from your body.

It’s only after you have some time to calm down that you find yourself suddenly living with previously unnoticed injuries and manifestations of delayed pain after a car accident.

The good news?

Non-drug care options, such as chiropractic, are very effective at helping people both reduce the sensations of delayed pain after a car accident and restore their functional health.

If you’re looking for a car accident chiropractor in Denver, know our expert team is here to help.

Even people with severe and chronic pain have been shown to benefit from the care that chiropractors provide.

And with a proper evaluation and early treatment, you have a high likelihood of putting that delayed pain after a car accident in the rear view mirror and getting well within a matter of weeks.

Why it Matters:

While medications can provide temporary pain relief, they don’t do a very good job of helping your body heal.

One of the problems with pain medications is that they only treat the symptoms.

They aren’t doing a thing to resolve the injuries that are the real source of your pain.

That’s just one reason why Ignoring a new ache or manifestation of delayed pain after a car accident and hoping it will go away is definitely not a smart strategy.

Even minor symptoms can be an indication of a more significant problem.

That’s perhaps one of the most important reasons you need to see a car accident chiropractor in Denver

And there’s something else to consider.

The longer you wait to get evaluated and receive care, the higher your likelihood becomes of needing more aggressive medical care.

In fact, without a proper diagnosis and swift treatment, your body may begin to “heal” with more scar tissue than necessary.

The same principle applies if you ignore what that delayed pain after a car accident is trying to tell you and simply decide to try to live “around” your injuries.

Doing so can lead to even more physical stress and compensation from other parts of your body and, ultimately, additional injuries.

3 Common Manifestations of Delayed Pain After a Car Accident

Let’s take a look at some common manifestations of delayed pain after a car accident that may not appear for hours or days.

● Headaches: A concussion, neck injury, mild traumatic brain injury, or whiplash can create headaches after a car accident, so don’t dismiss a headache or dizziness until you’ve been adequately evaluated by a doctor.

● Back Pain: Pain in your back after a car accident can take hours or days to begin, and it could be a sign of a spinal disc injury, soft tissue injury, or whiplash.

● Neck / Shoulder Pain: If you notice pain in your neck, shoulders, or arms, it may be a sign of whiplash or a spinal injury.

Next Steps:

Delayed onset of symptoms after a car accident is quite common.

It doesn’t mean that you’re “making it up.”

The stress of a car accident can make it difficult to truly assess how you feel in the minutes after impact.

It takes time for swelling and inflammation to begin, and you may not notice these common manifestations of delayed pain after a car accident for hours or even days.

Don’t dismiss your symptoms or concerns.

With the right healthcare team, most people can get back to their full life and activities without the need for drugs or surgery.

Chiropractors are often the first healthcare professional a majority of people see after getting into an accident.

So, if you’ve been searching for the best car accident chiropractor in Denver, give our office a call right now.

Receiving a complete and thorough evaluation is critical to discovering injuries early on so that you can receive the best care and treatment to put your injuries in the rearview mirror as quickly as possible

Research has shown that active care involving range of motion, mobilizing exercises, and strengthening can effectively reduce pain.

So, call us to schedule a proper evaluation as soon as you can.

It has the potential to make a massive difference in both your quality of life and long-term well-being!

Science Source:

Whiplash. WebMD. 2021.