Weekly Health News for You…

Mental Attitude: That’s Life. Our life experiences (the ups, downs and everything in between) shape us, stay with us and influence our emotional set point as adults. By studying identical twins and monitoring them as their life paths diverged, researchers discovered life experiences are important influences on our levels of anxiety and depression. With diet, we say, “you are what you eat.”  This study shows “you are what you have experienced.” Virginia Commonwealth University, Oct 2011

Health Alert: Drunk Drivers! During the past year in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control estimates there were 112 million incidents of adults getting behind the wheel of their car while under the influence of alcohol. That’s 300,000 a day! These people put everyone on the road at risk. 11,000 people are killed every year in crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. CDC, Oct 2011

Diet: Thin Children? Children with thinner parents are 3 times more likely to be thin than children whose parents are overweight. When both parents were in the thinner half of the healthy-weight range, the chance of the child being thin was 16.2%, compared with 7.8% when both parents were in the upper half of the healthy weight range, 5.3% with two overweight parents, and only 2.5% for children with two obese parents. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, Sept 2011

Exercise: Vigorous Exercise. Men who perform vigorous exercise 3 times a week have a 22% lower risk of heart attack. Researchers believe the vigorous exercise results in higher HDL-C (“good” cholesterol) levels, known to lower the risk of heart disease. American College of Sports Medicine, Oct 2011

Chiropractic: Total Regeneration. According to Deepak Chopra, M.D., “98% of the atoms in your body were not there a year ago.” With that concept in mind, taking care of your body is essential as it is a constant state of regeneration. Through proper diet, regular exercise, getting enough rest, maintaining low stress levels and proper chiropractic care, you can give your body the best opportunity to be healthy and stay healthy.

Wellness/Prevention: Kids, Stay Thin! If your children are overweight or obese, their risk of having high blood pressure is almost three times higher than children at normal weight. Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association, Oct 2011

Quote: “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” ~ Bill Gates

Active Release Did you know? Dr. Hyman is still the only Active Release Techniques (ART) Instructor practicing in Denver. Dr. Hyman has been teaching students at ART seminars all over North America since 2002.

The Denver Chiropractic Center 5-minute guide to avoiding holiday weight gain (really).

I can hear you thinking it now : ”Oh man, another article on how to survive the holidays.” Yes it is. But this is one page that can actually make a difference. I promise.  I tried really hard to get all this onto one page.

The truth is that a lot of us gain 5-6 pounds over the holidays. It doesn’t have to be that way. If you have a broader strategy to avoid fattening up, you can cheat a little, enjoy yourself, and not have a flabby problem to start 2012. Here’s all you have to do, followed by a brief explanation of each.

1. Control the carbs.

If you’ve been reading the Weekly Health News for You emails we send out every week, you know that there’s a great research review out there called “What Make us Fat.” This book summarizes the last 100 years of weight loss research and shows pretty conclusively that excessive consumption of carbohydrates what produces excess body fat.

Mark Sisson, in the excellent book “The Primal Blueprint” takes this discussion further explaining that excess carbs produce excess insulin, and this in turn leads to increased fat storage. He suggests keeping carb consumption in the 100 – 150 grams per day to maintain weight. Stay closer to 100 to lose weight. Following this advice, I’ve lost almost 20 pounds of fat this year. Once a week I cheated and ate whatever the hell I wanted. But only once a week.

2. Get a heart rate monitor / Calculate your target zone (50-70% of your estimated max).

Sisson goes on to further explain that exercising in the aerobic zone, generally the easy cardio zone, burns more fat. To do this it’s best to get a heart rate monitor to stay within a target heart rate zone to burn fat. Training too hard burns carbs, and causes you to eat more after exercising.

Take 220- your age to estimate your max HR (or use one of the other newer formulas). Then multiply that number by .5 to get the bottom of your target range, and .75 to get the top. You can round off to make life easy

So for me, I use 40 as my age (I’m 42). 220-40=180. 180x.5 = 90, the bottom of my range, 180x.75= 135, the top of my range. So with my heart rate monitor, I try to stay between 90 and 135. This is my aerobic fat burning zone.

3.Try to get into the target zone 2 or 3 days a week for 45 mins to an hour, if possible, go outside.

In addition to working out with weights 2 or 3 times a week, try to get that low-level aerobic cardio in. Yes, you can do them on the same day if you want. And yes, you can go longer if you stay inside the zone. Try anything you can to get outside a little.

4.Read the books I mentioned in #1.

Think about ordering the books “What Makes Us Fat” by Gary Taubes and “The Primal Blueprint” by Mark Sisson. Together they’ll set you back no more than $30 (find them at Amazon.com). By reading these books during the holidays, you’ll have some motivation to avoid the chronic over-consumption of the wrong things that leads to holiday weight gain.

This will give you a reasonable strategy on which you can cheat a little and still fit in your pants on January 2nd.  There you have it. Give it a try. I know some of you will, and that’s great!

In chronological order: Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah, Healthy Solstice, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

How our Denver Active Release Clinic (Denver Chiropractic Center) can help you stay healthy.

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I know you’re busy, so I’ll get to the point. We’ll be in the office all week this week, but just Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9-Noon next week. Here’s this week’s health news for you:

Mental Attitude: More Vacations? Researches claim vacations help us recharge our batteries and perform at a higher level once we return to work. However, because the after-effects are short-lived, we should take trips more frequently in order to keep our levels of health and well-being high. The Psychologist, Aug 2011

Health Alert: Over Spending? Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine found $6.7 billion was spent in one year for unnecessary tests or prescribing unnecessary medications, with 86% of that cost attributed to the prescription of brand-name statins to treat high cholesterol. Archives of Internal Medicine, Oct 2011

Diet: Iron Man? The right amount of iron is needed for proper cell function, but too much may lead to diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Men typically have more iron in their bodies than women, which may be why men develop these age-related neurodegenerative diseases at a younger age. (Younger women’s iron levels are thought to be lower because of menstruation.) To reduce iron levels: decrease over-the-counter supplements that contain iron, unless doctor recommended; eat less red meat; donate blood; and take natural iron-chelating substances that bind to and remove iron (such as curcumin or green tea). Neurobiology of Aging, Oct 2011

Exercise: Music To The Ears. Researchers found listening to music (in this case Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons”) while exercising improved participants’ mental agility. The study’s author, Charles Emery, believes all types of music can produce a similar effect, no just classical. ABC News, April 2011

Brain Activity And Chronic Low Back Pain. A new imaging technique, arterial spin labeling, shows the areas of the brain that are activated when low back pain worsens in chronic pain patients. This is a first step towards objectively describing chronic pain, normally a subjective experience. When a patient has worsening of their usual pain, there are changes in the activity of the brain in the areas that process pain and mood. Anesthesiology, August 2011

Quote: “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali.

Active Release. How to stay healthy. Recent research has shown that chiropractic patients who receive monthly maintenance care have better treatment outcomes that last longer. While I have no formal studies to prove it, the many patients who come to see us for monthly ART sessions also seem to stay healthier. We can usually spot developing problems and get rid of them before they start causing pain.

Shin splints, blueberries and This Week’s Health News For You.

Mental Attitude: Remember Zinc. For over 50 years, scientists have known zinc plays a vital role in the brain but were not quite sure what that role is. Now, researchers from the Duke University Medical Center and MIT have discovered that zinc regulates the communication between neurons in the hippocampus, where learning and memory processes occur. Neuron, Aug 2011

Health Alert: Health Costs Rising! According to experts, healthcare spending will grow 6% each year through 2020. Researchers estimate that doctor visits, clinical services and prescription drugs will be the largest growth areas. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Diet: Where to Eat? As childhood obesity rises and the American diet shifts towards increasing consumption of foods eaten or prepared outside of the home, concerns about the nutritional quality and the total consumption of such foods are also increasing. Comparing measurements from 2006 to 1977, children now eat more calories every day (+179 kcal/day). This is associated with a major increase in calories eaten away from home (+255 kcal/day). The percentage of calories eaten away from home is now 33.9%. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Aug 2011

Exercise: Strong Arm Diabetes. Building muscle can lower your insulin resistance risk, thus lowering your chance of developing Type-2 Diabetes. Scientists have known for a while that low muscle mass raises the risk of insulin resistance; however, no study had attempted to figure out whether increased muscle, regardless of obesity levels, might improve blood glucose control Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, July 2011

Chiropractic: Hall of Fame Help. During his playing career, NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback Joe Montana said, “I’ve been seeing a Chiropractor and he’s really been helping me a lot. Chiropractic’s a big part of my game.”

Wellness/Prevention: Blueberries And Cancer. Eating as little as a cup of blueberries every day may help prevent cell damage linked to cancer. University of Alabama at Birmingham, Sept 2011

Quote: “Nature, time and patience are three great physicians.” ~ H.G. Bohn

Active Release: Shin splints. Shin splints is a painful inflammation of the muscles of the shin, usually the Tibialis Anterior or Tibialis Posterior muscles. While the problem is felt in the shins, the source is usually the foot and ankle. When the feet are weak and the ankles are tight, your shin muscles are subjected to additional stress. While Active Release is great for correcting the affected muscles, the foot and ankle must be addressed with rehab exercises. Icing after activity helps too. If you’re dealing with shin splints, call us 303.300.0424

The best Halloween Tip ever, and this week’s Health News for You

Here’s the best Halloween tip that I’ve ever heard. Anyone with kids knows that the worst thing about Halloween is the candy. The kids get instantly addicted to it and don’t stop asking for it for weeks after Halloween. A couple of years ago, a patient shared this idea with me.

After the trick-or-treating is done, let the kids pick out a few pieces of candy. Then take the rest and put it in a bog for the kid to leave on the porch for the “Halloween Goblin.” The Goblin will come in the night and take the candy, leaving behind a toy for the each kid.

We’ve been doing this for 3 years and it works great. One year they traded so much candy that the Goblin took it to the local fire station, where the firefighters were happy to give it a good home. Anyway, have a safe and happy Halloween.

This week’s Health News For You:

Mental Attitude: Friendships & Anxiety. Anxious, solitary kids are more emotionally sensitive and more likely to be excluded and victimized by their peers. They’re also less likely to have friends, and when they do, to have fewer than their peers and to lose friendships over time. Look for ways to socialize kids who don’t like to play with others. Child Development, Sept 2011

Health Alert: Obesity Costs! States spend up to $15 billion a year in medical expenses related to obesity. Estimates in dollars range from $203 million in Wyoming to $15.2 billion in California. National costs of obesity are $147 billion. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Sept 2011

Diet: Wine & Dementia Risk. Moderate wine drinkers are 23% less likely to develop dementia and/or Alzheimer’s disease (note- yay!). Resveratrol, found in fairly high levels in wine, is a naturally occurring antioxidant that decreases the stickiness of blood platelets and helps blood vessels remain open and flexible. It also inhibits enzymes that can stimulate cancer cell growth and suppress immune response. (Wine is also less fattening than beer.) Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center

Exercise: More Good Reasons. Exercise decreases the rate of joint degeneration in people with osteoarthritis, lowers your resting heart rate, helps to boost creativity and reduces circulating levels of triglycerides. Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health, 1996

Active Release: Tennis Elbow. Tennis elbow is a painful irritation and inflammation of the area on the outside of the elbow known as the lateral epicondyle. Anyone who grasps things- like a tennis racket, power tools, barbells, etc, is at risk. Ice and rest can help, but often Active Release Techniques is needed to break up the scar tissue in the tendon and related muscles. This condition can take longer than others to heal, so if your elbow is bothering you, call us sooner rather than later.  American Journal of Public Health, August 2011

Quote: “Security is mostly a superstition. It doesn’t exist in nature.” ~ Helen Keller

Neck pain and Headaches – How we can help you at Denver Chiropractic Center

When you hear the term headache, you don’t usually think about the neck. Rather, you focus on the head, more specifically, “…what part of the head hurts?” But, upon careful questioning  and examination of our patients at Denver Chiropractic Center, we usually find some connection or correlation between neck pain and headaches.

The key to this connection can be found in looking at the anatomy of the neck. There are 7 vertebrae that make up the cervical spine and 8 sets of nerves that exit this part of the spine and innervate various parts of the head, neck, shoulders and arms, all the way to the fingers.

All of these nerves pass through muscles, and this is where the problem can start. Think of the nerves as electric wires that stretch between a switch and a light bulb. When you flip on the switch, the light illuminates. Each nerve, as it exits the spine, is like a switch and the target it travels to represents the light bulb. So, if one were to stimulate each of the nerves as they exit the spine, we could “map” exactly where each nerve travels (of course, this has been done).

When we look specifically at the upper 3 sets of nerves that exit the spine (C1, C2, and C3), we see that as soon as they exit the spine, they immediately travel through several muscles at the base of the skull. These muscles can become tight for several reasons, like poor posture (computer sitting), whiplash, and sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow.

Like any nerve, if enough pressure is applied to the nerve, some alteration in nerve function occurs and usually a sensory change is noted (numbness, tingling, pain, burning, etc.). If the pressure continues, these symptoms can last for a long time. These types of headaches are often called “cervicogenic headaches” (literally meaning headaches that are caused by the neck), and are the most common type of headache.

These can be caused by the nerves getting pinched or pressured by tight muscles through which they travel as they make their way to the scalp. At Denver Chiropractic Center, we use a combination of Active Release Technique and gentle (never forceful) chiropractic adjustments to release the tension in the muscles. This often releases the pressure on the nerves and can relieve headaches and neck pain.

Treatment programs for headaches and neck pain at our office general take 8-12 treatments over a period of 4-8 weeks. We look for some signs of improvement within the first 4 treatments. But before we can treat you, we need to make sure you’re an appropriate candidate for our care. While we can help with cervicogenic headaches, there are other types of headaches that require medical evaluation. It all starts with an initial consultation and exam.

We realize that you have a choice in where you go for your healthcare services.  If you, a friend or family member requires care for neck pain, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing Denver Chiropractic Center and look forward in serving you and your family presently and, in the future.

Simply call us at 303.300.0424 to set up your initial appointment, or fill out our very brief web form to have us contact you: denverback.com/contact.html.

Why my wife deserves a medal and this week’s Health News For You…from Denver Chiropractic Center

First off, I want to congratulate my friend and triathlon coach Cody Waite for finishing 39th at the Xterra Off-Road Triathlon World Championships Sunday (10/23) in Maui. Great Job Cody! Maybe next year I’ll be there (doing ART).

And speaking of congratulations, I hope you don’t mind if I congratulate my wife and myself on our 9th wedding anniversary. Hard to believe it was 9 years ago that we were saying our I-do’s on a beach in Hawaii. Next year will be #10. Maybe that is a good excuse to go to Maui.

Here’s this week’s brand new Health News For You:

Mental Attitude: Don’t Look At Me! Depressed people tend to avoid eye contact in social situations and in

experimental settings, whereas happy people actively seek eye contact. Sad people avoiding eye contact may lead to them

shunning certain social situations. Although this may reduce anxiety caused by the situation itself, it may actually increase social isolation and deepen their already depressed mood. British Journal of Psychology, Sept 2011

Health Alert: Hospital Staff Carry MRSA Superbug. 60% of doctors’ and 65% of nurses’ uniforms carry dangerous bacteria. In a 2009 report, rates of postoperative sepsis, or bloodstream infections, increased by 8%; postoperative catheter-associated urinary tract infections increased by 3.6%; and rates of selected infections due to medical care increased by 1.6%. 1 in 5 security cards carried by hospital doctors were contaminated with a variety of pathogenic bacteria, including the superbug MRSA, which kills thousands every year. Health and Human Services Department, 2009

Diet: Ginger Extract. Whole ginger extract has promising cancer-preventing activity in prostate cancer. Ginger extract had significant effects in stopping the growth of cancer cells, and inducing cell death in a spectrum of prostate cancer cells. Animal studies revealed the extract did not show significant toxicity to normal tissues, such as bone marrow. Research showed tumor regression up to 60%. Humans would have to consume about 3 1/2 ounces of whole ginger extract a day to get the benefits. British Journal of Nutrition, Aug 2011

Exercise: Good Reasons. Exercise reduces vulnerability to various cardiac dysrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms), improves the likelihood of survival from a myocardial infarction (heart attack), and helps overcome jet lag. Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health, 1996

Active Release: What A Headache. “Cervical migraine is the type of headache most frequently seen in general practice and also the most frequently misinterpreted. It is usually erroneously diagnosed as classical migraine, tension headache, [or] vascular headache. Such patients have usually received an inadequate treatment and have often become neurotic and drug-dependent.” Ragnar Frykholm, Neurosurgeon, 1972 (Note: Active Release, in our experience over the last 13 years, is very effective in patients with neck-related headaches.)

Wellness/Prevention: Fish Oil For A Healthy Mind. Researchers found positive associations between fish oil supplements and cognitive function, as well as differences in brain structure between users and non-users of fish oil supplements. The findings suggest possible benefits of fish oil supplements on brain health and aging.

International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease

Quote: “A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties.” ~ Harry S. Truman

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Ergonomics

The word, “Ergonomics” is thrown around a lot when it comes to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). The term ergonomics comes from the Greek ergon, meaning “work”, and nomos, meaning “natural laws.” By definition, ergonomics means, “…the study of efficiency in working environments.” Wikipedia describes it as, “…the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body, and its cognitive abilities.” The International Ergonomics Association offers this definition: “Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.”

The study of ergonomics is not new as it dates back to Ancient Greece with substantial evidence that, in the 5th century BC, ergonomic principles were applied to tool design, jobs and workplaces. Examples include Hippocrates giving surgeons recommendations on how to arrange their table and tools during surgery.

Some ergonomic concepts you can employ on a daily basis include:

  1. Take frequent breaks, every half-hour if possible, but at least every 60 to 90 minutes. Get up, stretch and walk around. If nothing else, perform stretches while sitting in your work chair.
  2. Maintain “good posture” (tuck in the chin and hold the retracted position).
  3. Evaluate your workstation: proper sitting position, how you hold the phone, keyboard/monitor positions, type & position of the mouse, reaching requirements, avoid twist/bending the wrists.
  4. When grasping/gripping, use the whole hand – not just the fingers or thumb tips alone.
  5. Keep cutting instruments sharp (scissors, knives, etc.) and maintain locks on hinged knives.
  6. Consider modifications if tools are too heavy, buttons too high, too much required force, etc.
  7. Stay in shape as obesity is a risk factor for carpal tunnel syndrome.
  8. Rotate job tasks rather than continuing with one task until finished (less repetition)!
  9. Communicate with your supervisor and HRO person about improving the workplace.

At Denver Chiropractic Center, we’ve been treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Active Release Techniques since the year 2000. By releasing scar tissue in the muscles around the nerve, we can often get rid of this debilitating condition. Our success rate is around 90%, with no side effects. If you’re considering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome surgery, we urge you to give us a try.

We realize you have a choice in who you consider for your health care provision and we sincerely appreciate your trust in choosing Active Release Techniques at Denver Chiropractic Center or those needs.  If you, a friend or family member require care for CTS, please call us today at 303,300,0424

What Denver Chiropractic Center’s doctors do to workout in the winter & This week’s health news for you…


Week of: Monday,  October 17, 2011

Courtesy of: Denver Chiropractic Center

Now that everyone on our staff is done with races for the year, it’s time to focus on winter conditioning (despite the fact that it’s 76 degrees out as I write this).

For Dr. Hyman, it’s a mix of P90X and Kettlebells. For Dr. May, it’s Kick boxing. Dr. Stripling is a Cross Fit guy and just got his Kettlebell Certification, so you can bet he’ll be swinging some Russian Iron around this winter. Who knows, you may even see us show up for some snowshoe races (really).

If you have any questions about your off-season or winter-season exercise program, we’d be happy to answer. Dr. Hyman and Dr. May are both Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists, and as noted above Dr. Stripling is a certified kettlebell expert. So ask away!

Without further delay, here’s this week’s Health News For You…

Mental Attitude: Don’t Worry Be Happy. The more you stay positive and happy in life, the better chance you have of avoiding a stroke. Optimistic people have a healthier immune system, faster wound healing, and a lower risk of heart disease. So don’t worry, be happy. Journal of The American Stroke Association and The Mayo Clinic, Aug 2011

Diet: Prune Power? In the US, 8 million women have osteoporosis because of the sudden cessation of ovarian hormone production at the onset of menopause. In the first 5-7 postmenopausal years, women are at risk of losing bone at a rate of 3-5% per year. In a study, the group of women who consumed dried plums had significantly higher bone mineral density in comparison with the group of women who ate dried apples. This was due, in part, to the ability of dried plums to suppress the rate of bone resorption, or the breakdown of bone, which tends to exceed the rate of new bone growth as people age. British Journal of Nutrition, Aug 2011

Exercise: Good Reasons. Exercise reduces your anxiety level, helps control blood pressure in people with hypertension, and protects against “creeping obesity” (the slow, but steady weight gain that occurs as you age). Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health, 1996

Chiropractic: Happy Patients! In this study, the average intake pain rating of patients cared for by Doctors of Chiropractic was 6.2 of 10, and the average discharge score was 1.9 of 10. 95% of the patients rated their care as “excellent.” Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics, Feb 2011

Wellness/Prevention: Ancient Bugs. When they were developed less than a century ago, scientists were surprised at how fast bacteria developed resistance to antibiotic drugs. Recently, researchers discovered antibiotic resistant genes in bacteria recovered from 30,000-year-old permafrost. This shows antibiotic resistance is a natural phenomenon predating the modern clinical antibiotic use. Nature, Sept 2011

Quote: “Anything that won’t sell, I don’t want to invent. Its sale is proof of utility, and utility is success.”

~ Thomas A. Edison

Active Release Techniques: Pain Between the Shoulder Blades. One of the most common complaint that new patients bring to Denver Chiropractic Center is pain between the shoulder blades. This is almost always caused by poor posture. Chronically tight muscles start to build scar tissue and become painful. Using Active Release, adjusting , and corrective exercises we can break up the scar tissue and help you correct your posture. If you have pain between your shoulder blades, give us a call at 303.300.0424.

Yes, Denver Chiropractic Center treats whiplash cases with Active Release Techniques- when getting better faster matters to you…

Whiplash Facts

In whiplash research, many articles have been published that conflict or contradict each other. The goal of this blog post is to report the “facts” about whiplash.

  • It is more common to have a delay in the onset of whiplash symptoms. Symptoms may start about two hours after the initial injury or it may take days, weeks, or months before you feel anything.
  • For whiplash caused by car accidents, the severity depends on the force of the impact, the way you were seated in your car, and if you were properly restrained using a shoulder and seat belt.
  • Tests show the soft tissues in your neck sustain injury at a threshold of 5 mph. That means if you’re rear-ended at 5 mph or slower, you have a lower chance of getting whiplash. However, most rear-end car accidents happen at speeds of 6-12 mph.
  • If you’ve been in a car accident, it’s a good idea to be evaluated even if your car didn’t get damaged and you don’t feel any pain.
  • Although whiplash is most often associated with car accidents, you can also get whiplash from sports such as snowboarding, boxing, football and gymnastics.
  • The concept of “no car damage = no injury” is COMPLETELY false. Most cars can withstand collisions of up to 10 MPH and as pointed out above, only in collisions < 5 MPH are you less likely to be injured. Collisions that occur between 6-12 MPH cause the highest percentage of whiplash injuries (which is below the threshold of car damage in most cases). Also, the energy of the impact is transferred to the contents inside the car when there is no vehicular damage (that means you).
  • Mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) can occur in motor vehicle collisions even if the head does not hit an object inside the car, although it’s more common when there is a head strike. The symptoms associated with MTBI are often referred to as “Post Concussive Syndrome.”
  • Approximately 10% of whiplash injured patients become totally disabled.
  • Of the studies published since 1995, over 60% of whiplash patients required long-term medical care.
  • Risk factors for long-term symptoms associated with WAD include: rear impacts, loss of the cervical lordosis curve, pre-existing degenerative arthritis, use of seat belts & shoulder harness (low speed impacts only), poor head restraint position or shape, non-awareness of the impending collision, female (especially long slender neck), head rotation at impact.

We realize you have a choice in where you go for your healthcare services.  If you, a friend or family member requires care for whiplash, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing us and look forward in serving you and your family presently and, in the future. We believe that our unique combination of Active Release Techniques, adjustments, and physical therapy gets accident victims out of pain and back to their lives much more quickly that the standard approach.

Active Release Technique (ART) targets the soft tissue, which are the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that bear most of the damage in whiplash injuries. Adjustments, when used properly after soft tissue work (never without it in our office) helps make sure the spinal joints don’t stiffen up – which research shows is a precursor of arthritis. And physical therapy, when used with ART and adjustments can help restore full functional ranges of motion.

If you’ve been in a car accident, or have suffered some other whiplash injury, call us at 303.300.0424 to schedule an initial exam and start your road to recovery. We  accept Med Pay and most major insurance plans.