Before we get started, we have a few openings left this week so if you need us, call us! We’re sorry we’ve been so busy lately that we’ve had trouble getting some of you in.We’ve opened up some extra time slots, so call us at 303.300.0424 or reply to this email to get straight to the desk
This is me preparing for the brand-new, advanced Active Release Techniques class that I attended last weekend. You see, all of us instructors are required to get certified in new courses when they roll out. But getting these certifications requires passing a tough hands-on test at the end of each class. So I studied a lot. This is me buried in my basement last week.
It paid off. Of the 90 instructors who completed the course, 18 failed the test. Some went out and partied in the evenings after the course. I got take-out from Whole Foods, ate it in my room and studied at night (both nights). I passed the test and now have some new advanced Active Release Techniques treatments to help all of y’all.
Office manager Meaghan and I are always striving to provide you with the best care and best customer service we possibly can. We will never stop trying to get better. That’s our promise to you.
We have some Rockies tickets to give away NEXT week, so our email subscribers should look for our emails on Monday 5/8 (Cubs tix for Monday night!) and Thursday 5/11 (Dodgers tix for next Saturday night!)