A little outside leg training

Today we show you how to grab a kettlebell and take it outside to do a little leg training. As always, check with a doctor first. If you don’t know how to use a kettlebell, find a qualified trainer in your are to teach you. Have fun out there!

These exercises can help prevent back pain, hip pain, knee pain and even sciatica. But remember, this is not a substitute for medical advice. If you need help with back pain, hip pain or knee pain, why not call us at 303.300.0424?

Our Denver Chiropractor shares his best tips for foot and ankle rehab exercises.

It surprises many people that a chiropractor can treat foot pain, ankle sprains, calf pain and shin splints. We also work with recovering injuries (like post-surgery or after coming out of a cast or boot). Well, we sure do. We use advanced Active Release Techniques soft tissue treatments for the muscles and ligaments and simple rehab exercises like these.

Because I broke my ankle in 2017 I went on a long frustrating journey of various physical therapy approaches to rehab it. These simple classic exercises are what work best. Use your good judgment, check with your doctor, and make sure these are right for you.