Were you recently injured in a car accident? Our Denver chiropractor can help.

Were Denver car accident injury chiropractoryou recently injured in a car accident? Do you want to get fully healed and back to your normal activities as quickly as possible? Look no further than our Denver chiropractor for car accidents. Dr Glenn Hyman, or Denver Chiropractor, been providing expert care for over 25 years. Read more

Got Whiplash? Here are 3 Big Reasons to See our Denver Chiropractor

Got Whiplash?


Bottom Line:


Whiplash is the term used to describe the injuries that occur as a direct result of a forceful, uncontrolled, and rapid back and forth motion of the neck.


These injuries can occur during sports, slip and fall, or auto accidents.


Most of us have heard of this type of injury.


Most of us know whiplash pain is often associated with auto accidents.


However, what we may not know is that whiplash injuries used to be considered “no big deal.”


Needless to say, times have certainly changed.


Doctors now know that whiplash injury can mean lifelong pain and disability if the associated injuries are not properly cared for when they occur.


Recent research also tells us that people who suffer a neck injury during a motor vehicle accident are very likely to experience both whiplash pain and future neck pain.


Thankfully, research also indicates that chiropractic care can improve range of motion and decrease pain associated with whiplash injuries.


And if you’re looking for a local chiropractor who treats whiplash in Denver, you’ve come to the right place!

Why it Matters:


With all the stress that comes with the accident itself, calling insurance companies, getting cars repaired, and so on, it’s not uncommon for people to make the mistake of putting their health and well-being last on the to-do list.


Your body wasn’t designed to deal with the forces that occur in a car accident.


Even low-speed collisions can generate enough force to injure the delicate ligaments in your neck that support your head.


And although modern cars have an array of safety features, the damage from an accident can range from small aches to life-changing injuries.


The forces that both the vehicle and your body have while driving along the road is known as kinetic energy.


It’s true – your vehicle has been carefully built to displace the (kinetic) energy that occurs during an accident.


However, no matter what type of car you have, your body will still absorb some of the impact.


It’s likely that those powerful forces will cause injuries to your body.


During a car accident, your head moves forward and backward suddenly with a tremendous amount of force.


If you’ve sustained a whiplash injury it means your head and neck have been forcefully extended beyond their normal range of motion.


This can create partial tears and other damage to the muscles and ligaments around your spine and also injure your spinal discs or nerves and your spine’s supporting muscles.


Key Indicators of a Whiplash Injury


A few key indicators that you may have suffered a whiplash injury include neck pain and stiffness, headaches, dizziness, and pain in your upper or lower extremities.

If you or someone you love has sustained a whiplash injury recently and are considering seeing a local chiropractor who treats whiplash in Denver, here’s are some quick facts to keep in mind:


  • Today, whiplash injuries are considered severe and the rapid back and forth motion that occurs during the associated collision accident can lead to permanent injury to the ligaments of the neck.


  • It’s estimated that over 80% of people involved in a car accident will sustain whiplash injuries.
  • What’s more, over 50% of people with neck pain or whiplash pain after a car accident will continue to have pain one year or more after their initial injury, especially without treatment.


Next Steps:


Remember this.


Immediately after any accident, your adrenaline is pumping, so you may not feel any whiplash pain or overall physical discomfort because you’ll most likely be in a state of shock.


That’s why many people wake up the day after an accident experiencing the full brunt of their injuries for the first time.


If you’ve been involved in a car accident, you may be wondering how long your whiplash pain and other symptoms are going to last.


The good news is that with a proper evaluation and early treatment, you have a high likelihood of getting well within a matter of weeks.


Receiving the proper diagnosis and care after a car accident can also help reduce your likelihood of struggling with whiplash pain and a lifetime of chronic neck pain.


Our practice is focused on accurately assessing, documenting, and treating those who have been involved in a car accident to help them regain their quality of life as quickly and safely as possible.


Don’t shrug off any accidents and push your symptoms aside.


Instead, follow three easy-to-remember steps.


First, get an evaluation.


Next, begin receiving care.


Finally, stay consistent.


Getting well is a process, so If you have been in an accident and think you might have sustained a whiplash injury –  or someone you know has been involved in an auto accident recently – be sure to reach out to our expert team as soon as possible.


When you need a local chiropractor who treats whiplash in Denver, remember that our doors are open, and we’re here to help right now!


Science Source:


The Association Between a Motor Vehicle Collision and Future Neck Pain. Eur Spine J. 2010.

Spinal Disc Health 101: The Proven Benefits of Proactive Care

Spinal disc 101

“Move it or lose it!”

I’m not really sure where that started, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the person who originally coined that phrase was a chiropractor… thinking about spinal disc health and proactive care.

Seriously, It seems that so many of us just don’t realize movement can and is often the best medicine for the spine!

Did you know that our spinal discs actually don’t have a good blood supply running to and through them to help keep them healthy?

It’s actually movement – yes, movement – that drives the uptake of the vital fluids, oxygen, and nutrients that our discs need to maintain their optimal structure.

Bottom Line:

We’ve said it once, and we’ll say it again – absolutely no one has time for back pain.

After all, not many things can sideline you like a nagging, persistent, seemingly ever growing pain in and around your spine – you know, the core structure of your body that holds you upright and allows you to bend, twist, and move!

Every day, those tiny but mighty discs between the bones of your spine are absorbing the stress related to gravity, your posture, and your movement patterns.

Over time, this stress can cause wear and tear to your discs that can become painful when left unchecked.

Perhaps that’s why another chiropractor coined the saying “You’re only as old as your spine.”

It’s one we certainly use frequently being the go-to chiropractor for herniated discs in Denver.

A strong spine fortified with strong spinal discs will help you keep that back pain at bay.

And the good news is that spinal disc health and proactive care go hand in hand.

There are a few key ways you can keep your discs healthy from the comfort of your own home… starting today!

Why it Matters:

Not surprisingly, movement and exercise are perhaps the best ways to approach spinal disc health and proactive care.

There’s really no wrong way to get your daily dose of movement, but you will want to do what you can to ensure you’re moving well.

After all, you don’t want to trade one type of back pain for another!

Spinal Disc Health and Proactive Care

Each day, try to stay active, move your spine through its full range of motion, and, as always, be cautious about sitting for hours on end.

If you do have to sit for long periods, try to change positions every 15 minutes. And if you have to work at a computer for hours at a time and you have the option, bring in a standing desk.

These small steps can help both reduce stress on your discs and engage the small muscles supporting your spine – both of which are essential for disc health.

Also, when it comes to spinal disc health and proactive care, something we feel the need to stress based on what we’ve seen first-hand as the go-to local chiropractor for herniated discs in [your city / town / neighborhood] is to always, always mind your posture.

The combination of inactivity and long periods in an unbalanced posture can wreak havoc on your spinal discs.

Here are a few other easy adjustments you can make to proactively protect your discs:

● Practice safe lifting. Improperly lifting any object of any size places undue stress on your spine. Remember to avoid bending while lifting, to use your legs rather than your back, to use a buddy when needed, and to always try to hold items close to your body.

● Exercise consistently. In addition to getting that daily dose of movement, incorporating exercises designed to improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles in your core and back that support the spine can make all the difference to your spinal health.

● Rethink your sleeping position. On top of minding what we’ll call your daytime posture, it’s important to do the same when you sleep. Aim to avoid sleeping on your stomach and make sure to replace old or worn out mattresses when needed.

● Rethink your shoes. High-heeled shoes in particular can make it harder to maintain proper posture.

● De-stress regularly. Be sure to find time to relax and unwind so the stress of the day doesn’t turn into physical tension in your neck, shoulders, and back.

Next Steps:

As you can probably tell from that list, keeping your spinal discs healthy is one of the best things you can do to reduce your risk of experiencing neck or back pain.

If you spend long hours at the computer, you’ll want to take proactive steps to counteract that stress.

When it comes to spinal disc health and proactive care, following the steps outlined above is a great place to start.

Keeping up on those adjustments and regularly checking in with our expert team is even better, especially if you’re looking for a chiropractor for herniated discs in Denver.

And get this. Adjustments are actually a great way to help your muscles relax.

When a muscle is stretched quickly, the nerves in the muscle respond by causing the muscle to relax. This reflex protects the muscles from tearing during any quick stretch.

A chiropractic adjustment does not go nearly deep enough to risk tearing muscles, and it activates those same nerve impulses that make the muscles relax.

So, whether it’s been some time since your last adjustment or you’re ready for your first, we hope you’ll give us a call.

We’d be happy to work with you to keep your spinal discs healthy for years to come!

Science Source:

Disc Changes Associated with Prolonged Sitting. PMR. 2014.

Our Chiropractor in Denver shows you how to bullet proof yourself against back pain with this powerful combo exercise.

We’re always looking to combine exercises in a way that improves muscular endurance, core strength and general coordination. And of course, the less equipment the better. Here we review the dumbbell clean & press. As always make sure this is right for you (use common sense) and check with a doctor first.