Denver Chiropractor is back from Hawai’i

Aloha! My family and I are back from Hawai’i and Denver Chiropractic Center is open and ready to help you. We had an amazing week on the Big Island, and while it’s always tough for a vacation to come to an end, Colorado sure is a great place to come home to.

Here we are on the beach with the boogie boards.

And here is the view when you approach Mauna Kea’s Beach

Anyway, we are back in the office and we can help you with:

Back pain
Neck pain
Shoulder problems
Hip and sciatica problems
Wrists and hands
Knees and ankles

Just call us 303.300.0424

60 Degrees in 36 hours

The DCC crew flew down to Dallas Friday night for a conference on Saturday where we met up with future DCC chiropractor (and former assistant) Samantha Leger. Samantha is in chiropractic school down there. It was 93 degrees on Saturday. Yesterday, it said 33 degrees at my house- a change of 60 degrees in 36 hours.

Here’s a pic of Meaghan, Meredith (wife), Me, and Samantha.

Vacation alert: We’ll be in this week and next week and then my kids are on fall break, so if you’ve been thinking about coming in, please get in touch with us ASAP.

We can help you with:

Back pain
Neck pain
Knees, ankles, elbows & hands

Call today 303.300.0424. Why wait?

Our Denver Chiropractor returns to racing…

Most of you know that I broke my left ankle in May. I thought my Xterra Triathlon season was probably over for 2017. Since this was supposed to be my 10th season, I set a hopeful goal to make it make for my final scheduled race on August 5.

Since I’m still not cleared to run, I did make it to the starting line this past Saturday with a plan to swim, mountain bike, and hike the run course. I was definitely S-L-O-W as the lack of training (because of the injury) really showed on the rocky and hilly course at 9000 ft. But I finished. And I wasn’t last.

You see, when you guys and gals get hurt, I try to coach you to keep your eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel, because injuries do heal. Even though it was tough, I kept my eye on this race when I got hurt. It helped get me through the recovery process. We understand that pain and injuries can be frustrating, and we are here to help you. Call us if you need us 303.300.0424. Here are a couple of race pics- on the bike and with my boys at the finish.

Why waste another week in pain? Come see our Denver Chiropractor

“I waited too long to come in.”

That’s the #1 thing we hear from patients when they come to see us. It’s human nature to wait for pain to go away. Sometimes it does, but sometimes it doesn’t. Why waste time in pain? If something is hurting, call us and we will get you in. 303.300.0424. Back pain, neck pain, headaches, shoulder problems, hip pain, sciatica and more. Our Denver Chiropractor Dr. Glenn Hyman is here with chiropractic care and Active Release Techniques when you need help.

July 14 – 2 Openings left with our Denver Chiropractor

We have a couple of openings today (Friday, July 14). If you want to come see our Denver chiropractor, Dr. Glenn Hyman, (for chiropractic care and Active Release Techniques treatment), before the weekend call us at 303.300.0424 or email to get to Meg at the desk!

Feb 23, 2017: 2 Spots Left this week:

2 Spots Left this week: We have just 2 spots open this week, 1 today (Feb 23) and 1 tomorrow (Feb 24). So if you want to get in this week please call asap 303.300.0424 or reply to this email.

Short week next week: Next week is a short week for us as I’ll be out on Thursday and Friday, March 2 and 3. Next week is filling up fast so please on our schedule before it is full.

Back in the office Feb 13, 2017

After taking a few days off last week to help my wife through her ACL (knee) reconstruction surgery – it went very well – I am back in the office today. Thanks for your patience. We have just one spot open today so if you need us, please call asap 303.300.0424.

Who would you call? And This Week’s 1-Page Health News.

By now most of you who read these posts know that my wife blew out her ACL a couple of weeks ago and is having knee surgery soon to reconstruct it. But there’s a part of the story I haven’t shared yet.

When she went down on the slopes of Winter Park, I had a wife yelling in pain, 3 kids kind of freaking out, and I had no idea how to get a hold of the ski patrol. I sat there kind of dumbly watching other skiers and boarders going by hoping that maybe a ski school instructor would appear.

Luckily a good Samaritan stopped and had the ski patrol phone number on a laminated piece of paper in his pocket. I called from my phone and they were there in minutes. 

The moral of the story- know the number for the ski patrol where you are skiing or riding. We’re in the process of putting a card together for you all with the popular ski resorts’ patrol numbers on it. (Winter Park’s is 970.726.1480.)


Here is this week’s 1-Page Health News.


Diet: Are Low-Carb Diets Better for Weight Loss Than Low-Fat Diets?
Physicians at Mayo Clinic say that low-carb diets are slightly better than low-fat diets for weight loss, at least in the short term. An analysis of 41 trials that evaluated the effects of low-carb diets on weight loss showed that participants lost between 2.5-9 more pounds (1.13-4.08 kg) than those who followed a low-fat diet. Lead researcher Dr. Heather Fields adds, “The best conclusion to draw is that adhering to a short-term low-carb diet appears to be safe and may be associated with weight reduction.” However, she recommends that people who follow a low-carb diet should avoid highly processed foods, especially processed meats, such as bacon, sausage, deli meats, hot dogs, and ham.
The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, December 2016

Exercise: Serious Yoga Injuries Are on the Rise, But Rare.
Yoga has become increasingly more popular in recent years and so have yoga-related injuries. According to a new report, nearly 30,000 Americans visited the emergency room for yoga-related sprains, fractures, or other injuries between 2001 and 2014. Despite rising injuries, experts say that overall, yoga appears relatively safe. They add that the potential gains from performing yoga, such as lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, lower heart rate, and improvements in depression, anxiety, and sleep problems outweigh the risk of injury. Dr. Joshua Harris from the Houston Methodist Hospital comments, “My advice to people is to start slow, don’t push too hard, and find a good instructor who emphasizes proper form and technique.”
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, December 2016

Chiropractic: You Can’t Blame Acute Low Back Pain on the Weather.
A recent study investigated the influence of various weather parameters on the risk of developing an episode of low back pain. Among a group of 981 patients with an acute episode of low back pain, researchers found that precipitation, humidity, wind speed, wind gust, wind direction, and air pressure did not increase the risk of onset for acute low back pain.
Pain Medicine, December 2016

Wellness/Prevention: Depression Hurts Smoking Cessation Efforts.
An analysis of data from a Czech smoking cessation clinic reveals that smokers with depression have a harder time quitting. The study included 3,775 patients and found that those with mild depression were 32% less likely to abstain from smoking for one year than those without depressive symptoms, while patients with severe depression were 43% less likely to quit.
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, December 2016

Happy Halloween from Dr. Glenn Hyman’s Denver Chiropractic Center

Here’s my family at a Halloween party this past Saturday. I was a grass-fed beef cheeseburger on a gluten-free bun with slice of locally grown heirloom tomato and bio-dynamically grown lettuce 😉


We are in the office today, but closing up a little early so those of us with kids (I have 3, Office Manager Meaghan has 2) can get them ready to take over the night. If you need us, call us 303.300.0424 or reply to this email. Happy Halloween!

Denver Chiropractor Glenn Hyman, the coach (pic) & the 1-Page Health News

I have the privilege of coaching the 9-10 Gridiron Flag Football Eagles this season. For those of you with the opportunity, I strongly recommend making the time for coaching kids’ sports. It’s a great way to have fun, influence some young minds, and learn a thing or two from the kids. We beat the Texans in a 20-19 nail biter. 


Mental Attitude: Mild Brain Injuries Have Long-Term Effects.
Kids who have suffered even mild head trauma appear to be more prone to serious issues later in life, such as psychiatric problems and premature death. In this study, researchers compared data collected from 100,000 Swedes who had suffered a minimum of one traumatic brain injury before age 25 to their unaffected siblings and found that those who had head injuries were more 70% more likely to die before age 41 and twice as likely to be hospitalized for psychiatric issues. Moreover, those with head trauma early in life were also 80% more likely to receive government financial assistance due to disability. The findings suggest a strong need for improved brain injury prevention as well as improved treatment post injury.
PLOS Medicine, August 2016

Health Alert: Improper Contact Lens Use Can Lead to Serious Eye Damage.
Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed nearly 1,100 cases of eye infections related to contact lens use and found that nearly one in five patients had either a scarred cornea, required a corneal transplant, or had other types of eye damage due to infection. Furthermore, over 10% of the patients had to go to the emergency room or urgent care for immediate treatment. Examples of unsafe use of contact lenses include: wearing contacts overnight, failing to clean and replace lens solution frequently, and getting contact lenses wet while swimming or in the shower. Study author Dr. Jennifer Cope adds, “While people who get serious eye infections represent a small percentage of those who wear contacts, they serve as a reminder for all contact lens wearers to take simple steps to prevent infections.”
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly, August 2016

Diet: Shopping for Fish.
Adding fish to your diet is a very healthy choice, and many health experts recommend eating fish at least twice per week. When shopping for fish, the Food and Drug Administration suggests the following: choose fish displayed on fresh ice in a case; fish should smell mild and fresh, not fishy and sour; the fish’s eyes should be clear and bulging, gills bright red, and flesh firm and shiny; avoid fish with signs of darkening or dryness at the edges; and choose shrimp of other seafood that shines and has no odor
Food and Drug Administration, August 2016

Exercise: Helps Improve Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.
A review of twenty published studies on the effects of physical activity on patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) reveals that exercise improves a PD patient’s motor skills and benefits non-motor symptoms such as depression, apathy, fatigue, day time sleepiness, sleep, and cognition.
Frontiers in Medicine, August 2016

Chiropractic: May Help COPD Patients Breathe Better.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease that makes breathing difficult, and it is the third leading cause of death in the United States. In this study, researchers found that patients who received the combination of pulmonary rehabilitation (PR), soft tissue therapy (ST), and spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) experienced greater improvements in lung function than those who received either PR alone or PR and ST only.
Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapies, August 2016

Wellness/Prevention: Let Your Child Walk to School.
Letting kids walk to school is a great way to increase physical activity and teach independence. However, parents must teach their children the basics of pedestrian safety. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following: make sure kids cross the street at crosswalks or intersections; have children wear reflective clothing and carry a flashlight if it is dark; have children walk on the sidewalk or on the shoulder of the road in the opposite direction of traffic; do not allow children to use technology (phones, tablets) while walking; and take extra precautions with small children who may not be able to judge speed and distance of vehicles and don’t understand traffic rules.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, August 2016