Why we suggest maintenance care…

Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2011 Jan 17. [Epub ahead of print]

Does maintained Spinal manipulation therapy for chronic non-specific low back pain result in better long term outcome?

Senna MK, Machaly SA.


Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Department, Mansoura Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University.


ABSTRACT:: Study Design. A prospective single blinded placebo controlled study was conducted.Objective. to assess the effectiveness of spinal manipulation therapy (SMT) for the management of chronic non-specific low back pain (LBP) and to determine the effectiveness of maintenance SMT in long-term reduction of pain and disability levels associated with chronic low-back conditions after an initial phase of treatments.Summary of background. SMT is a common treatment option for low back pain. Numerous clinical trials have attempted to evaluate its effectiveness for different subgroups of acute and chronic LBP but the efficacy of maintenance SMT in chronic non-specific LBP has not been studied.Subjects and Methods. 60 patients with chronic, nonspecific LBP lasting at least 6 months were randomized to receive either (1) 12 treatments of sham SMT over a one-month period, (2) 12 treatments, consisting of SMT over a one-month period, but no treatments for the subsequent nine months, or (3) 12 treatments over a one-month period, along with “maintenance spinal manipulation” every two weeks for the following nine months. To determine any difference among therapies, we measured pain and disability scores, generic health status, and back-specific patient satisfaction at baseline and at 1-month, 4-month, 7-month and 10-month intervals.Results: Patients in second and third groups experienced significantly lower pain and disability scores than first group at the end of 1-month period (P = 0.0027 and 0.0029 respectively). However, only the third group that was given spinal manipulations during the follow-up period showed more improvement in pain and disability scores at the 10-month evaluation. In the non maintained SMT group, however, the mean pain and disability scores returned back near to their pretreatment level.Conclusion. SMT is effective for the treatment of chronic non specific LBP. To obtain long-term benefit, this study suggests maintenance spinal manipulations after the initial intensive manipulative therapy.

Why you should be doing deadlifts (start today, we’ll show you how).

Many of you have been asking about Meredith’s knee after reading about her recent surgery in the last DCC newsletter. We certainly appreciate all of the interest you’ve shown.

Meredith is on the road to recovery. She’s doing all of her normal everyday activities, and her rehab continues.

While a big part of her recovery is having me do Active Release to normalize her muscles (quads, calves, shin muscles, etc), as well as working on her IT band, lateral meniscus and Lateral Collateral Ligament, doing her rehab is just as important.

The deadlift is at the center of her rehab program.  That’s right, good old-fashioned deadlifts (with a little twist).

The deadlift is a classic weightlifting exercise that can fit into anyone’s training program. You certainly don’t need to use a barbell to do it. In fact, Meredith and I got rid of all the barbells in the basement (to make room for the kiddos) years ago and have NEVER missed them.

This exercise activates and strengthens just about everything in your legs, including the glutes, hamstrings, adductors, and spinal extensors. You want all of these muscles working together, and the deadlift teaches them to do that. It’s great for preventing injuries in runners, triathletes, hikers, climbers, and even relatively sedentary people. Of course, clear this with your doctor first, as you could get hurt if you do it wrong.

We’ll demonstrate here with a pair of kettlebells, and they allow for the most optimal mechanics.

1.     Stand with your feet about hips’ distance apart. Have the kettlebells between your feet.

Deadlift 1

2.     Looking forward, arch your back slightly and start moving your hips backwards. Maintaining that arch is important, as the muscular tension directs forces away from the discs and ligaments in the back.

deadlift 2

3.     Start bending your knees as you reach for the bells.

Deadlift 3

4.     Grasp the bells, brace your abs, and use your legs (NOT your back) to lift the weights. Think about pushing your heels into the floor. Come to a full upright position.

deadlift 4

5.     To lower, start the motion with your hips moving backwards and lower the weights all the way to the ground. Let them come to rest on the ground before setting yourself up for the next rep. This allows you to correct your form for each rep.

deadlift 5

Start with 3 sets of 5 reps with moderate weights 2-3 times per week. Over time, you can work your way up to 5 sets of 10-20 reps. Just make sure you progress slowly. Remember, the goal is to get stronger safely.

If you’re having hip pain, back pain, hamstring problems or (like Meredith) knee problems, your best bet is to get the problem checked out by us. Call 303.300.0424 today to schedule your next appointment.

Upcoming kettlebell training programs with Dr. Glenn Hyman: Denver Kettlebell Training May / June 2011 – For Women only.

Kettlebell training for women only.  ($297) 4-weeks, starting Wednesday June 29 , 5:30-7:30. Class limited to 4 participants. (First spot already spoken for). Call the office to reserve and pay for your spot over the phone 303.300.0424.

We’ll be embarking on a 4-week project to make you an expert in using what many consider the greatest fitness device that’s ever existed: the kettlebell.

Kettlebells let you get more done in less time, at home, whenever the hell it happens to fit your schedule, and without having to stand around the gym waiting for some moron to finish up.

I first learned about the kettlebell sometime around 2003, when my old Russian buddy Pavel Tsatsouline sent me one to try out. Pavel is the guy who gets credit for bringing the kettlebell to America and launching a revolution.

Seven years later, my collection of kettlebells remains the focus of my strength and conditioning training. They’ve allowed me to maintain my strength and muscle mass even when I’m training for triathlons. My wife, Meredith, has used kettlebells extensively to lose baby weight (3 times!), to get stronger and toned without “bulking up”, and to fit workouts into her very busy life.

You’ll learn the proper mechanics and safe execution of the following high-intensity kettlebell exercises:

·       Swing (single, double, low & high)

·       Clean (classic and ‘dead’)

·       Snatch (classic and ‘dead’)

·       Floor press

·       Row (many kinds)

·       Shoulder Press

·       KB Jerk

·       Front squat

·       Overhead press (single / double)

·       Squat press

·       Lunge press

·       Turkish get-up

·       Windmill

·       More

In addition to technique training, we’ll put it all together into workouts you can take with you.

I’ve been through Level 1 and 2 of the RKC training, and hold a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist certification from the NSCA. So I know how to teach you how to use kettlebells. Being a chiropractor helps, too. In other words, if you want to learn to use kettlebells properly, I’m your guy.

And of course, we’re still here to help you when you’re in pain. We’re of course still doing Active Release, chiropractic care, and full service rehabilitation!